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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 5, 2023. It is now read-only.

Archived: GitOps config repo for an Apollo GraphQL federated graph with a supergraph router and subgraph services deployed to Kubernetes.


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Kubernetes-native GraphOps


The code in this repository is experimental and has been provided for reference purposes only. It is not actively maintained and has been archived.

Many folks have already migrated to Federation 2. If you're starting something new, please see the latest Federation docs!

Original Content

This is the GraphOps Repo for the apollographq/supergraph-demo Source Repo.


GraphOps for Apollo Federation



Large-scale graph operators use Kubernetes to run their Graph Router and Subgraph Services, with continuous app and service delivery.

Kubernetes provides a mature control-plane for deploying and operating your graph using container images like those produced by the supergraph-demo Source Repo.


This repo follows the Declarative GitOps CD for Kubernetes Best Practices:

Source Repo - provides image tag versions via Bump image versions PR

  • apollographql/supergraph-demo produces the artifacts:
    • Subgraph docker images w/ embedded subgraph schemas
    • Supergraph-router docker image that can be fed a composed supergraph schema via
      • (a) Apollo Uplink - for update in place
      • (b) via a ConfigMap for declarative k8s config management
  • Continuous integration:
    • Bumps package version numbers & container tags.
    • Builds/publishes container images to container registry.
    • Bump image versions PRs to propagate image version bumps to this repo.

Graph Registry - provides supergraph schema via Bump supergraph schema PR

  • Graph schemas published to the Apollo Registry
    • Subgraphs publish their schema to the Apollo Registry after deployment.
    • Supergraph schema is published after Apollo Studio does:
      • Managed composition
      • Schema checks
      • Operation checks
      • No breaking changes are detected
    • Published supergraph schemas are made available via:
      • Apollo Uplink - that the Gateway can poll for live updates (default).
      • Apollo Registry - for retrieval via rover supergraph fetch.
      • Apollo Build Webhook - for triggering custom CD with the composed supergraph schema.
  • Bump supergraph schema PRs are created by the supergraph-build-webhook.yml workflow via:
    • Supergraph build webhook from Apollo Studio
    • Polling on a schedule in case a webhook is lost

GraphOps Repo (this repo) - declarative graph config for Kubernetes for GitOps

  • Declarative k8s configs for dev, stage, and prod
  • Promote config from dev -> stage -> prod
    • make promote-dev-stage
    • make promote-stage-prod
  • Continuous deployment:

kustomize for k8s-native config management:

Config Flow

Config data flows from the following sources:

  • Source Repo:

    • Bump image versions PR is opened on the GraphOps Repo:
      • when new Gateway docker image versions are published:
        • see end of the example artifact release workflow
        • bumps package versions in the Source Repo.
        • does an incremental monorepo build and pushes new docker images to DockerHub.
        • opens GraphOps Repo PR to bump the docker image versions in the dev environment (auto-merge).
  • Graph Registry:

    • Bump supergraph schema PR is opened on the GraphOps Repo:
      • when Managed Federation sends a supergraph schema build webhook
        • rover supergraph fetch is used to retrieve the supergraph schema from the Apollo Registry.
  • GraphOps Repo:

    • GraphOps team crafts the declarative configurations for each environment.
    • PRs for docker image bumps are (auto-)merged into the GraphOps Repo.
    • PR for supergraph schema bumps are (auto-)merged into the GraphOps Repo.
    • GraphOps Repo has definitive desired state for each environment.

Continous deployment of config data flows from the GraphOps Repo into the target k8s cluster:

  • Via kubectl apply -k or GitOps tools like ArgoCD or Flux

  • kustomize is used to generate parameterized config resources for each environment:

  • Progressive delivery controllers like Argo Rollouts or Flagger may also be used

    • BlueGreen and Canary deployment strategies
  • Rollback via git commit & GitOps or progressive delivery controller rollback.

Docker Images from Source Repo

New Gateway docker image versions are published as source changes are pushed to the main branch of the supergraph-demo repo.

This is done by the release.yml workflow, which does an incremental matrix build and pushes new docker images to DockerHub, and then opens a Bump image versions PR in this repo that uses kustomize edit set image to inject the new image version tags into the kustomization.yaml for each environment.


Note: This workflow can be easily adapted for a single-repo-per-package scenarios, where they separately publish their own docker images and issue separate version bump PRs to this GraphOps Repo.

Supergraph Schemas from Graph Registry

  1. Detecting changes to the supergraph built via Managed Federation

    • Managed Federation builds a supergraph schema after each rover subgraph publish
    • Changes detected with the following:
      • Supergraph build webhooks - when a new supergraph schema is built in Apollo Studio
      • rover supergraph fetch - to poll the Registry
  2. Bump supergraph schema PR with auto-merge enabled when changes detected

    • Workflow: supergraph-build-webhook.yml
    • Commits a new supergraph.graphql to the GraphOps Repo with the new version from Apollo Studio
    • Additional CI checks on the supergraph schema are required for the PR to merge
    • Auto-merged when CI checks pass
  3. Generate a new Gateway Deployment and ConfigMap using kustomize

    • Once changes to supergraph.graphql when Bump supergraph schema is merged

Using the Supergraph Build Webhook

  1. Register the webhook in Apollo Studio in your graph settings

    • Send the webhook to an automation service or serverless function:
    • webhook-register
  2. Adapt the webhook to a GitHub repository_dispatch POST request

    • Create a webhook proxy that passes a repo scoped personal access token (PAT)
    • Using a GitHub machine account with limited access:
    • webhook-proxy
  3. repository_dispatch event triggers a GitHub workflow

  4. GitHub workflow automatically creates a PR with auto-merge enabled

Deploy a Kubernetes Dev Environment

You'll need:

  • kubectl - with expanded kustomize support for resources
  • kind

then run:

make demo

which runs:

make k8s-up-dev

which creates:

  • local k8s cluster with the NGINX Ingress Controller
  • graph-router Deployment configured to use a supergraph ConfigMap
  • graph-router Service and Ingress

and applies the following:

kubectl apply -k infra/dev
kubectl apply -k subgraphs/dev
kubectl apply -k router/dev

Gateway Deployment with ConfigMap

using router/base/router.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: router
  name: router-deployment
  replicas: 1
      app: router
        app: router
      - env:
          value: "true"
        image: prasek/supergraph-router:1.1.1
        name: router
        - containerPort: 4000
        - mountPath: /etc/config
          name: supergraph-volume
      - configMap:
          name: supergraph-c4mh62bddt
        name: supergraph-volume
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: supergraph-c4mh62bddt
  supergraph.graphql: |
      @core(feature: ""),
      @core(feature: "")
      query: Query

    directive @core(feature: String!) repeatable on SCHEMA

    directive @join__field(graph: join__Graph, requires: join__FieldSet, provides: join__FieldSet) on FIELD_DEFINITION

    directive @join__type(graph: join__Graph!, key: join__FieldSet) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE

    directive @join__owner(graph: join__Graph!) on OBJECT | INTERFACE

    directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE

    type DeliveryEstimates {
      estimatedDelivery: String
      fastestDelivery: String

    scalar join__FieldSet

    enum join__Graph {
      INVENTORY @join__graph(name: "inventory" url: "http://inventory:4000/graphql")
      PRODUCTS @join__graph(name: "products" url: "http://products:4000/graphql")
      USERS @join__graph(name: "users" url: "https://users:4000/graphql")

    type Product
      @join__owner(graph: PRODUCTS)
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "id")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "sku package")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "sku variation{id}")
      @join__type(graph: INVENTORY, key: "id")
      id: ID! @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      sku: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      package: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      variation: ProductVariation @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      dimensions: ProductDimension @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      createdBy: User @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS, provides: "totalProductsCreated")
      delivery(zip: String): DeliveryEstimates @join__field(graph: INVENTORY, requires: "dimensions{size weight}")

    type ProductDimension {
      size: String
      weight: Float

    type ProductVariation {
      id: ID!

    type Query {
      allProducts: [Product] @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)
      product(id: ID!): Product @join__field(graph: PRODUCTS)

    type User
      @join__owner(graph: USERS)
      @join__type(graph: USERS, key: "email")
      @join__type(graph: PRODUCTS, key: "email")
      email: ID! @join__field(graph: USERS)
      name: String @join__field(graph: USERS)
      totalProductsCreated: Int @join__field(graph: USERS)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: router-service
  - port: 4000
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 4000
    app: router
kind: Ingress
  annotations: nginx
  name: router-ingress
  - http:
      - backend:
            name: router-service
              number: 4000
        path: /
        pathType: Prefix

and 3 subgraph services subgraphs/base/subgraphs.yaml:

make demo then runs the following in a loop until the query succeeds or 2 min timeout:

Make a GraphQL Query

kubectl get all
make k8s-query

which shows the following:

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/inventory-65494cbf8f-bhtft           1/1     Running   0          59s
pod/products-6d75ff449c-9sdnd            1/1     Running   0          59s
pod/router-deployment-84cbc9f689-8fcnf   1/1     Running   0          20s
pod/users-d85ccf5d9-cgn4k                1/1     Running   0          59s

NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/inventory        ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP   59s
service/kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    96s
service/products         ClusterIP    <none>        4000/TCP   59s
service/router-service   ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP   20s
service/users            ClusterIP     <none>        4000/TCP   59s

NAME                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/inventory           1/1     1            1           59s
deployment.apps/products            1/1     1            1           59s
deployment.apps/router-deployment   1/1     1            1           20s
deployment.apps/users               1/1     1            1           59s

NAME                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/inventory-65494cbf8f           1         1         1       59s
replicaset.apps/products-6d75ff449c            1         1         1       59s
replicaset.apps/router-deployment-84cbc9f689   1         1         1       20s
replicaset.apps/users-d85ccf5d9                1         1         1       59s
Smoke test
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{ allProducts { id, sku, createdBy { email, totalProductsCreated } } }" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   352  100   267  100    85   3000    955 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3911
{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}


make demo then cleans up:

deployment.apps "graph-router" deleted
service "graphql-service" deleted "graphql-ingress" deleted
Deleting cluster "kind" ...

Promoting to Stage and Prod

Promoting configs from from dev -> stage -> prod can be as simple as:

  1. copying the config from one environment to the next
    • make promote-dev-stage
    • make promote-stage-prod
  2. push the changes

The GitOps operator in each Kubernetes cluster will pull the environment configuration from this GraphOps Repo and any changes will be applied to that cluster.


CD via GitOps:

We'll use flux v2 for this example, so you'll need:

then run:

make demo-flux

which runs:

make k8s-up-flux-dev

which shows something like:

.scripts/ dev
Using dev/kustomization.yaml
kind version 0.11.1
No kind clusters found.

+ kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.21.1 --config=clusters/kind-cluster.yaml --wait 5m
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 βœ“ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.21.1) πŸ–Ό
 βœ“ Preparing nodes πŸ“¦
 βœ“ Writing configuration πŸ“œ
 βœ“ Starting control-plane πŸ•ΉοΈ
 βœ“ Installing CNI πŸ”Œ
 βœ“ Installing StorageClass πŸ’Ύ
 βœ“ Waiting ≀ 5m0s for control-plane = Ready ⏳
 β€’ Ready after 28s πŸ’š
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

Not sure what to do next? πŸ˜…  Check out

+ flux install
✚ generating manifests
βœ” manifests build completed
β–Ί installing components in flux-system namespace
β—Ž verifying installation
βœ” source-controller: deployment ready
βœ” kustomize-controller: deployment ready
βœ” helm-controller: deployment ready
βœ” notification-controller: deployment ready
βœ” install finished

+ flux create source git k8s-graph-ops --url= --branch=main
✚ generating GitRepository source
β–Ί applying GitRepository source
βœ” GitRepository source created
β—Ž waiting for GitRepository source reconciliation
βœ” GitRepository source reconciliation completed
βœ” fetched revision: main/13fbe62857a713f396947a552d0d72ca760d3010

+ flux create kustomization infra --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./infra/dev --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
βœ” Kustomization infra is ready
βœ” applied revision main/13fbe62857a713f396947a552d0d72ca760d3010

+ flux create kustomization subgraphs --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./subgraphs/dev --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
βœ” Kustomization subgraphs is ready
βœ” applied revision main/13fbe62857a713f396947a552d0d72ca760d3010

+ flux create kustomization router --depends-on=infra --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./router/dev --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation

the router ingress config needs the nginx ingress controller, so you'll see this while the nginx ingress admission controller is starting, but with GitOps and flux the configuration will be re-applied so will self-heal once it's started:

βœ— apply failed: Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "3a946b48-8ea1-4516-8dcf-7341332f4d88.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://ingress-nginx-controller-admission.ingress-nginx.svc:443/networking/v1beta1/ingresses?timeout=10s": dial tcp i/o timeout

then smoke tests will run while the nginx ingress admission controller is starting, with the initial tests failing while the nginx admission controller is starting:

Test 1
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{delivery{estimatedDelivery,fastestDelivery},createdBy{name,email}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   241  100   146  100    95  29200  19000 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 48200
❌ Test 1
{"data":{"allProducts":[{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}},{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}}]}}
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
❌ Test 1

and then once it's started and the router ingress can be applied, the smoke tests will pass:

Test 1
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{delivery{estimatedDelivery,fastestDelivery},createdBy{name,email}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   438  100   343  100    95   1982    549 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2531

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}},{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}}]}}

βœ… Test 1

Test 2
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{id,sku,createdBy{email,totalProductsCreated}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   341  100   267  100    74  17800   4933 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 22733

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}

βœ… Test 2

βœ… All tests pass! πŸš€

then finally the kind cluster will be deleted:

Deleting cluster "kind" ...

Progressive Delivery

See the BlueGreen example below with more advanced examples coming soon!

BlueGreen Deploys with Argo Rollouts

We'll use Argo Rollouts to do a basic BlueGreen deployment in this example.

Initial Deployment

make k8s-up-flux-bluegreen

which does does a BlueGreen deploy of the subgraphs using GitOps and subgraphs/dev-bluegreen/kustomization.yaml

and shows the following:

.scripts/ dev bluegreen
Using Kustomizations:
- infra/dev/kustomization.yaml
- subgraphs/dev-bluegreen/kustomization.yaml
- router/dev/kustomization.yaml
kind version 0.11.1
No kind clusters found.
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 βœ“ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.21.1) πŸ–Ό
 βœ“ Preparing nodes πŸ“¦
 βœ“ Writing configuration πŸ“œ
 βœ“ Starting control-plane πŸ•ΉοΈ
 βœ“ Installing CNI πŸ”Œ
 βœ“ Installing StorageClass πŸ’Ύ
 βœ“ Waiting ≀ 5m0s for control-plane = Ready ⏳
 β€’ Ready after 28s πŸ’š
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

Thanks for using kind! 😊
+ flux install
✚ generating manifests
βœ” manifests build completed
β–Ί installing components in flux-system namespace
β—Ž verifying installation
βœ” notification-controller: deployment ready
βœ” source-controller: deployment ready
βœ” kustomize-controller: deployment ready
βœ” helm-controller: deployment ready
βœ” install finished

+ flux create source git k8s-graph-ops --url= --branch=main
✚ generating GitRepository source
β–Ί applying GitRepository source
βœ” GitRepository source created
β—Ž waiting for GitRepository source reconciliation
βœ” GitRepository source reconciliation completed
βœ” fetched revision: main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4

+ flux create kustomization infra --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./infra/dev --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
βœ” Kustomization infra is ready
βœ” applied revision main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4

+ flux create kustomization subgraphs --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./subgraphs/dev-bluegreen --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
βœ” Kustomization subgraphs is ready
βœ” applied revision main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4

+ flux create kustomization router --depends-on=infra --namespace=default --source=GitRepository/k8s-graph-ops.flux-system --path=./router/dev --prune=true --interval=1m --validation=client
✚ generating Kustomization
β–Ί applying Kustomization
βœ” Kustomization created
β—Ž waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
βœ— apply failed: Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "76b5f11b-1666-48d5-80ca-862d183f2248.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://ingress-nginx-controller-admission.ingress-nginx.svc:443/networking/v1beta1/ingresses?timeout=10s": context deadline exceeded

+ kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx --for=condition=ready pod --timeout=120s
pod/ingress-nginx-controller-6cd89dbf45-sjs49 condition met

Verify Initial Deployment

you can then run:

make smoke

which shows the following:

Test 1
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{delivery{estimatedDelivery,fastestDelivery},createdBy{name,email}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   438  100   343  100    95   1366    378 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1745

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}},{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}}]}}

βœ… Test 1

Test 2
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{id,sku,createdBy{email,totalProductsCreated}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   341  100   267  100    74  14052   3894 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 17947

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}

βœ… Test 2

βœ… All tests pass! πŸš€

using these Rollouts:

kubectl get rollouts

inventory-bluegreen   1         1         1            1
products-bluegreen    1         1         1            1
users-bluegreen       1         1         1            1

and these Kustomizations:

kubectl get kustomization
NAME        READY   STATUS                                                            AGE
infra       True    Applied revision: main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4   2m9s
router      True    Applied revision: main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4   107s
subgraphs   True    Applied revision: main/9c6b88c18faecc76047a75e842f837c00d79f1f4   109s

Make a Change to the Products Subgraph

Pushing a subgraph change to the products subgraph in the supergraph-demo results in:

kubectl get kustomization
NAME        READY   STATUS                                                            AGE
infra       True    Applied revision: main/b4e5b385ac6ddb145cf2f95f77bda678997c75e4   78m
router      True    Applied revision: main/b4e5b385ac6ddb145cf2f95f77bda678997c75e4   78m
subgraphs   True    Applied revision: main/b4e5b385ac6ddb145cf2f95f77bda678997c75e4   78m

Preview Deployment Created

  • the Argo Rollouts controller then deploys a new bluegreen deployment and makes it available via the product preview-service.

Which shows the following:

kubectl get rollouts
inventory-bluegreen   1         1         1            1
products-bluegreen    1         2         1            1
users-bluegreen       1         1         1            1

kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/inventory-bluegreen-59d479fc9f-57fqw   1/1     Running   0          78m
pod/products-bluegreen-599c9f6c88-k7dwx    1/1     Running   0          78m
pod/products-bluegreen-6fb56d84ff-k2jks    1/1     Running   0          67m
pod/router-deployment-588b77bc9b-k9gz5     1/1     Running   0          78m
pod/users-bluegreen-6b789d8cb7-wrxt7       1/1     Running   0          78m

Promote Preview Deployment to Active

Since we've set the product subgraph rollout to have:

 # Rollouts can be resumed using: `kubectl argo rollouts promote ROLLOUT`
      autoPromotionEnabled: false

we can install and use the Argo Rollouts Kubectl Plugin to manually promote the BlueGreen deployment for the product service:

kubectl argo rollouts promote products-bluegreen
rollout 'products-bluegreen' promoted

which results in the preview products deployment becoming active and the previous active deployment being decomissioned, resulting in one active pod and replicaset for the products subgraph.

kubectl get rollouts
inventory-bluegreen   1         1         1            1
products-bluegreen    1         1         1            1
users-bluegreen       1         1         1            1


kubectl get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/inventory-bluegreen-59d479fc9f-57fqw   1/1     Running   0          80m
pod/products-bluegreen-6fb56d84ff-k2jks    1/1     Running   0          69m
pod/router-deployment-588b77bc9b-k9gz5     1/1     Running   0          80m
pod/users-bluegreen-6b789d8cb7-wrxt7       1/1     Running   0          80m

Verify new Active Deployment

make smoke

which shows:

Test 1
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{delivery{estimatedDelivery,fastestDelivery},createdBy{name,email}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   438  100   343  100    95    641    177 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   818

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}},{"delivery":{"estimatedDelivery":"6/25/2021","fastestDelivery":"6/24/2021"},"createdBy":{"name":"Apollo Studio Support","email":"[email protected]"}}]}}

βœ… Test 1

Test 2
++ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "query": "{allProducts{id,sku,createdBy{email,totalProductsCreated}}}" }' http://localhost:80/
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   341  100   267  100    74  22250   6166 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 28416

{"data":{"allProducts":[{"id":"apollo-federation","sku":"federation","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}},{"id":"apollo-studio","sku":"studio","createdBy":{"email":"[email protected]","totalProductsCreated":1337}}]}}

βœ… Test 2

βœ… All tests pass! πŸš€


make k8s-down

which shows

Deleting cluster "kind" ...

Learn More

Checkout the apollographq/supergraph-demo Source Repo.

Learn more about how Apollo can help your teams ship faster.


Archived: GitOps config repo for an Apollo GraphQL federated graph with a supergraph router and subgraph services deployed to Kubernetes.




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