Class for deal with Realm local DB similar to RN AsyncStorage
On the App.js
, import and give desired model list to setup.
import {RealmStorage} from 'realm-async-storage';
const schemas = [UserSchema, CompanySchema]; // Realm schemas
const onError = (error) => console.error(error); // optional
RealmStorage.setup(schemas, onError)
- setup (schemas?: Array): any
- createItem (key: string, value: Object): Object
- updateItem (key: string, value: Object): Object
- deleteItem (item: RealmObject): Promise
- getItems (key: string, filter: Object | string): Promise<Array | null>
- removeAll (key: string): Promise
- convertFilter (filter: Object | string): string
- checkSchema (key: string)
- getAllKeys (): Promise<Array>
- getModel (): any