SF-home-price-prediction Public
Codebase for predicting housing prices by zip codes in Silicon Valley based on the impact of IPO's in the local area.
ArtClustering Public
This program enables you to perform k-means and k-mediods clustering on art pieces, while also performing a set of analytics, ie. dunn indexes and cluster purity.
list-62x Public
Forked from Maplenormandy/list-62xLight Invariant Stable Features auto camera setting correction algorithm, for MIT 16.62x Fall 2014 / Spring 2015
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2014 -
PlaylistByYear Public
Creating a webapp using the spotify API to make by playlists by year and genre.This is an app, that takes in inputs of time frame and music genre and creates a playlist based on these inputs. I am …
UpdatedAug 21, 2014 -
HoverTeam Public
Aaron Thomas and Matt Vernacchia are making a game called HoverTeam for their 16.35 project.
Java UpdatedMay 17, 2014 -
HomeFood Public
HomeFood is a website that gives college students and young professionals the opportunity to purchase home-cooked from local families.