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@github-actions github-actions released this 25 Jan 00:31
· 131 commits to main since this release

Pull Requests | Issues | v2.42.2...v2.43.0


#3467 #3478 Support vacuuming unused packages

Now you can remove unused packages by aqua vacuum command, which is useful to save storage and keep your machine clean.

aqua vacuum

This command removes installed packages which haven't been used for over the expiration days.
The default expiration days is 60, but you can change it by the environment variable $AQUA_VACUUM_DAYS or the command line option aqua vacuum -days <expiration days>.


aqua vacuum -d 30


aqua vacuum command doesn't remove links from the bin directory and doesn't remove packages from aqua.yaml

As of aqua v2.43.0, aqua records packages' last used date times.
Date times are updated when packages are installed or executed.
Packages installed by aqua v2.42.2 or older don't have records of last used date times, so aqua can't remove them.
To solve the problem, aqua vacuum --init is available.

aqua vacuum --init

aqua vacuum --init searches installed packages from aqua.yaml including $AQUA_GLOBAL_CONFIG and records the current date time as the last used date time of those packages if their last used date times aren't recorded.

aqua vacuum --init can't record date times of install packages which are not found in aqua.yaml.
If you want to record their date times, you need to remove them by aqua rm command and re-install them.