⚠️ The CloudFormation scanning logic is now integrated with Aquasecurity Trivy. cfsec will no longer be maintained as a stand alone scanner and Trivy should be used
cfsec scans your yaml or json CloudFormation configuration files for common security misconfigurations.
brew tap cfsec/cfsec
choco install cfsec
scoop install cfsec
go install github.com/aquasecurity/cmd/cfsec@latest
Given the CloudFormation configuration file below;
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: An example Stack for a bucket
Type: String
Default: naughty-bucket
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
Ref: BucketName
BlockPublicAcls: false
BlockPublicPolicy: false
IgnorePublicAcls: true
RestrictPublicBuckets: false
- BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
Running the command cfsec example.yaml
The output would be
Result 1
[aws-s3-block-public-acls][HIGH] Public access block does not block public ACLs
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false [false]
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
24 |
Impact: PUT calls with public ACLs specified can make objects public
Resolution: Enable blocking any PUT calls with a public ACL specified
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/block-public-acls/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/access-control-block-public-access.html
Result 2
[aws-s3-block-public-policy][HIGH] Public access block does not block public policies
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false [false]
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
24 |
Impact: Users could put a policy that allows public access
Resolution: Prevent policies that allow public access being PUT
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/block-public-policy/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev-retired/access-control-block-public-access.html
Result 3
[aws-s3-enable-bucket-encryption][HIGH] Bucket does not have encryption enabled
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket [false]
24 |
Impact: The bucket objects could be read if compromised
Resolution: Configure bucket encryption
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/enable-bucket-encryption/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/bucket-encryption.html
Result 4
[aws-s3-enable-bucket-logging][MEDIUM] Bucket does not have logging enabled
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
24 |
Impact: There is no way to determine the access to this bucket
Resolution: Add a logging block to the resource to enable access logging
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/enable-bucket-logging/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ServerLogs.html
Result 5
[aws-s3-enable-versioning][MEDIUM] Bucket does not have versioning enabled
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
24 |
Impact: Deleted or modified data would not be recoverable
Resolution: Enable versioning to protect against accidental/malicious removal or modification
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/enable-versioning/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/Versioning.html
Result 6
[aws-s3-no-public-buckets][HIGH] Public access block does not restrict public buckets
11 | S3Bucket:
12 | Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
13 | Properties:
14 | BucketName:
15 | Ref: BucketName
16 | PublicAccessBlockConfiguration:
17 | BlockPublicAcls: false
18 | BlockPublicPolicy: false
19 | IgnorePublicAcls: true
20 | RestrictPublicBuckets: false [false]
21 | BucketEncryption:
22 | ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration:
23 | - BucketKeyEnabled: !Ref EncryptBucket
24 |
Impact: Public buckets can be accessed by anyone
Resolution: Limit the access to public buckets to only the owner or AWS Services (eg; CloudFront)
More Info:
- https://cfsec.dev/docs/s3/no-public-buckets/#s3
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev-retired/access-control-block-public-access.html
6 potential problems detected.
cfsec scans single file Stack configurations with support for Parameters, Mappings and Resources.
Ignores are available in yaml configurations only.
To add an ignore to a resource - on the line of the check add the ignore.
For example, to ignore S3 bucket encryption errors, you might use
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
AccessControl: Private
BucketName: unencryptedbits
- BucketKeyEnabled: false # cfsec:ignore:aws-s3-enable-bucket-encryption
Not all CloudFormation intrinsic functions are supported, we cover the list below
In yaml configurations, cfsec supports both standard an short notation i.e; !Base64
or Fn::Base64
- Not all intrinsic functions are supported
requires access to the AWS account which is not currently supportedGetAtt
is extremely naive. We don't have visibility of attribute values so it is best effort
- No support for nested stacks. cfsec takes the individual files in isolation with no visibility of what exists in the AWS account
cfsec is very early stages, and we are committed to making it the best it can be. Please raise issues or suggestions through GitHub issues or discussion as appropriate.
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