Release notes - arXiv-NG - Version search-0.2
[ARXIVNG-543 ] - People are having problems searching for Chinese names with hyphens
[ARXIVNG-544 ] - People are having problems searching for authors due to initials
[ARXIVNG-545 ] - People are using the default search to search for all papers by an author
[ARXIVNG-546 ] - Commas and/or wildcards don't seem to work well with author search
[ARXIVNG-547 ] - People are using an underscore syntax from the classic search like wald_r
[ARXIVNG-548 ] - People are bookmarking the search with a archive/group/category and going to that to search quickly
[ARXIVNG-549 ] - People are searching for papers by several co-authors
[ARXIVNG-550 ] - Users cannot search full text
[ARXIVNG-551 ] - The users thought the text of the abstract too small and light
[ARXIVNG-552 ] - 500 errors when searching
[ARXIVNG-553 ] - link inconsistency between arXiv:id and PDF
[ARXIVNG-554 ] - Cannot search old categories
[ARXIVNG-555 ] - Expected more results when searching for "xAct"
[ARXIVNG-556 ] - Index not complete
[ARXIVNG-557 ] - Unexpected multi term search relevance ranking
[ARXIVNG-558 ] - Mobile form input problem
[ARXIVNG-542 ] - People are clicking the author names on abstract pages and are not getting a correct list of papers by that author
[ARXIVNG-566 ] - Write up description of how author names are handled in the classic system
[ARXIVNG-647 ] - Update and upgrade help text for search
[ARXIVNG-672 ] - Document ID of most recent version does not include version affix
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