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Arkadii edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 1 revision

For Synology on bare metal and intel CPUs only.

This patch is intended for original ch_cpuinfo script to work offline (with no internet) or with limited access to internet or some internet resources (such as CPU producer's site).

Issue with original script when applying with no internet connection


There is:

  • no Code Name, just parentheses
  • general URL for all products instead of specific CPU

How to apply the fix

  1. Download and unpack the script the same way as you do for original script
  2. Go to intel Product Specifications site, find you CPU page specification and save the web page with the name cpu_info_patch.txt (as text) in your browser
  3. Copy just saved text file to the script folder
  4. Grand the following access rights to the file: chmod 444 cpu_info_patch.txt
  5. Run the script as usual and update your DSM web portal page with the Information center's CPU info. You'll get it as in the picture:



Issue fix @ Xpenology in Russian

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