@aragon/sdk-ifps provides a wrapper to send requests to an IPFS Cluster using the IPFS API. It supports standard requests as well as streamed requests.
Use npm or yarn to install @aragon/sdk-ipfs.
npm install @aragon/sdk-ipfs
yarn add @aragon/sdk-ipfs
The Aragon infrastructure uses an IPFS cluster which requires authentication
based on an API key. The provided Client
works as well on any canonical
deployment by just not providing any API key in the headers.
import { Client as IpfsClient } from "@aragon/sdk-ipfs";
const headers = {
"X-API-KEY": "1234...",
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
Retrieves the details of the node behind the endpoint.
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const versionInfo = await client.nodeInfo();
// {
// id: string;
// addresses: string[];
// agentVersion: string;
// protocolVersion: string;
// protocols: string[];
// publicKey: string;
// }
Uploads data to the IPFS cluster and returns the hash of the newly pinned file. The following data types are supported:
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const content = "I am a test";
const { hash } = await client.add(content);
// QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const content = Uint8Array([73, 32, 97, 109, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116]);
const { hash } = await client.add(content);
// QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const content = new File(["I am a test"], "test.txt", { type: "text/plain" });
const { hash } = await client.add(content);
// QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const content = new File(["I am a test"], { type: "text/plain" });
const { hash } = await client.add(content);
// QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK
Fetches the content behind the given CiD and returns it as a Uint8Array
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const cid = "QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK";
const recoveredBytes = await client.cat(cid);
// Uint8Array(11) [
// 73, 32, 97, 109, 32,
// 97, 32, 116, 101, 115,
// 116
// ]
const recoveredString = new TextDecoder().decode(recoveredBytes);
// I am a test
Requests the node to keep a local copy of the data behind the given CiD.
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const cid = "QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK";
const { pins } = await client.pin(cid);
// ["QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK"]
Note: Using IPFS pin on the Aragon IPFS cluster may be restricted. Use IPFS add instead.
Requests the node to keep a local copy of the data behind the given CiD.
const client = new IpfsClient(clusterUrl, headers);
const cid = "QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK";
const { pins } = await client.unpin(cid);
// ["QmeJ4kRW21RRgjywi9ydvY44kfx71x2WbRq7ik5xh5zBZK"]
Note: Using IPFS unpin on the Aragon IPFS cluster may be restricted.
To execute library tests just run:
yarn build
yarn test