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Aragon JS SDK

This folder contains all the JS packages available on NPM:

Available scripts

  • yarn build
    • Compiles all the modules, respecting their internal dependencies
  • yarn clean
    • Removes the existing artifacts
  • yarn lint
    • Checks the current code for inconsistencies
  • yarn test
    • Runs the test suite on all modules


Run yarn build to compile the individual packages. Run yarn test on them.

Automatic publishing

With labels

To automatically publish the new version on pull request merge, the relevant labels:

Label Name Component getting published NPM package name
client-release modules/client/ @aragon/sdk-client
ipfs-release modules/ipfs/ @aragon/sdk-ipfs
common-release modules/common/ @aragon/sdk-common

With tags

To publish a new version of a subpackage create a new git tag following this schema:

  • Example to publish a new version of the javascript client module: 0.0.1-javascript-client.
  • To publish an alpha version just put -alpha behind the semver: 0.0.1-alpha-javascript-client


Do not run 2 workflows at the same time, otherwise we could encounter a race condition in the git repo which could lead to a failure of the automatic changelog and package.json update