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(log & args)


Log message to the Unity console. Arguments are combined into a string.

See Also


(null->nil x)


Same as identity, except if x is a null UnityEngine.Object, will return nil.

More details and rationale are available in the wiki.


(null? x)


Should x be considered nil? (null? x) will evalute to true if x is in fact nil, or if x is a UnityEngine.Object instance such that (UnityEngine.Object/op_Equality x nil) returns true. Otherwise will return false.

More details and rationale are available in the wiki.


(instantiate original)
(instantiate original position)
(instantiate original position rotation)


Clones the original object and returns the clone. The clone can optionally be given a new position or rotation as well.

Wraps Object/Instantiate.


(create-primitive prim)
(create-primitive prim name)


Creates a game object with a primitive mesh renderer and appropriate collider. prim can be a PrimitiveType or one of :sphere :capsule :cylinder :cube :plane :quad. If supplied, the third argument should be a string, and will be set as the name of the newly created GameObject. Wraps GameObject/CreatePrimitive.


(destroy obj)
(destroy obj t)


Removes a GameObject, component or asset. When called with t, the removal happens after t seconds. Wraps Object/Destroy.


(destroy-immediate obj)


Removes a GameObject, component or asset immediately. Wraps Object/DestroyImmediate.


(retire obj)


If in Play mode, calls Object/Destroy, otherwise calls Object/DestroyImmediate.


(object-typed t)


Returns one live instance of UnityEngine.Object subclass type t from the scene graph, or nil if no such object can be found. Wraps Object/FindObjectOfType.


(objects-typed t)


Returns a sequence of all live instances of UnityEngine.Object subclass type t in the scene graph. Wraps Object/FindObjectsOfType.


(object-named name-or-regex)


Returns one live GameObject from the scene graph, the name of which matches name-or-regex. name-or-regex may be a string or a regular expression object.


(objects-named name-or-regex)


Returns a sequence of all live GameObjects in the scene graph, the name of which match name-or-regex. name-or-regex may be a string or a regular expression object.


(object-tagged t)


Returns one live GameObject tagged t from the scene graph, or nil if no such GameObjects exist.

Wraps GameObject/FindWithTag.


(objects-tagged t)


Returns a sequence of live GameObjects tagged tag. Returns empty array if no GameObject was found. Wraps GameObject/FindGameObjectsWithTag.


(gobj x)


Coerces x, expected to be a GameObject or Component, to a corresponding live (non-destroyed) GameObject instance or to nil by the following policy:

  • If x is a live GameObject, returns it.
  • If x is a destroyed GameObject, returns nil.
  • If x is a live Component, returns its containing GameObject.
  • If x is a destroyed Component, returns nil.
  • If x is nil, returns nil.
  • Otherwise throws an ArgumentException.


(child+ x child)
(child+ x child world-position-stays)


Makes GameObject x the new parent of GameObject child. Returns child.

If world-position-stays is true, child retains its world position after being reparented.


(child- x child)
(child- x child world-position-stays)


Removes GameObject x as the parent of GameObject child, moving child to the top of the scene graph hierarchy. Returns nil.

If world-position-stays is true, child retains its world position after being reparented.


(children x)


Gets the live children of GameObject x as a persistent vector of GameObjects.


(parent x)


Returns the live parent of GameObject x or nil if it has none.

GameObjects at the top of the hierarchy do not have parents.


(cmpt x t)


Returns the first live Component of type t attached to GameObject x. Returns nil if no such Component is attached.


(cmpts x t)


Returns all live Components of type t attached to GameObject x as a (possibly empty) array.


(cmpt+ x t)


Adds a new Component of type t to GameObject x. Returns the new Component.


(cmpt- x t)


Removes every Component of type t from GameObject x. Returns nil.


(ensure-cmpt x t)


If GameObject x has a component of type t, returns it. Otherwise, adds a component of type t and returns the new instance.

with-cmpt macro


(with-cmpt gob bindings & body)


binding => name component-type

For each binding, binds name to an instance of class component-type attached to GameObject gob. If no such instance is currently attached to x, a new instance of component-type will be created, attached to x, and bound to name. body is then evaluated in the lexical context of all bindings.

if-cmpt macro


(if-cmpt gob [cmpt-name cmpt-type] then & else)


If a component of type cmpt-type is attached to GameObject gob, binds it to cmpt-name, then evaluates and returns then in the lexical scope of that binding. Otherwise evaluates and returns else, if provided, or returns nil if else is not provided.

sets! macro


(sets! o & assignments)


Set multiple fields or properties on an object instance o simultaneously.

assignment => field-name value

For each assignment, field-name is the name of a field or property of o, and value is the new value it will be set to.

Returns the final set value.

(sets! (.transform some-game-object)
       position (arcadia.linear/v3 1 2 3)
       localScale (arcadia.linear/v3 1 2 3))

set-with! macro


(set-with! obj [name prop :as bindings] & body)


Access and set a field or property prop on object instance obj. The new value at (. obj prop) will be set to the value of body, evaluated in an implicit do, with name bound to the preexisting value of (. obj prop). This operation is not atomic, and should be used with caution in concurrent contexts.

As an example,

(set-with! (.transform some-game-object)
  [pos position]
  (arcadia.linear/v3+ pos (arcadia.linear/v3 1 0 0)))

is equivalent to

(let [tr (.transform some-game-object)
      pos (.position tr)]
  (set! (.position tr)
        (arcadia.linear/v3+ (.position tr) (arcadia.linear/v3 1 0 0))))

Since the object is the first argument, multiple such assignments on an object may be chained using doto. Returns the new value of the field or property.


(descendents x)


Returns a sequence containing all descendents of GameObject x in depth-first order. The descendents of x are all GameObjects attached as children to x in the Unity hierarchy; all of those GameObject's children; and so on.




Returns a sorted seq of all permissible hook event keywords.


(hook+ obj event-kw k f)


Attach a Clojure function, preferrably a Var instance, to GameObject obj on key k. The function f will be invoked every time the event identified by event-kw is triggered by Unity.

f must be a function of 2 arguments, plus however many arguments the corresponding Unity event function takes. The first argument is the GameObject obj that f is attached to. The second argument is the key k it was attached with. The remaining arguments are the arguments normally passed to the corresponding Unity event function.

Returns f.

See Also


(hook- obj event-kw key)


Removes hook function from GameObject obj on the Unity event corresponding to event-kw at key, if it exists. Reverse of

  (hook+ obj event-kw key hook-function)

Returns nil.


(clear-hooks obj event-kw)


Removes all hook functions on the Unity event corresponding to event-kw, regardless of their keys.


(hook obj event-kw key)


Retrieves an attached hook function from GameObject obj. event-kw is a keyword specifying the Unity event of the hook function, and key is the key of the hook function.

In other words, retrieves any hook function attached via

  (hook+ obj event-kw key hook-function)

or the equivalent.


(snapshot x)


Converts defmutable instance x to a persistent representation.


(maybe-snapshot x)


Unstable implementation detail, please don't use.


(mutable x)


Given a persistent representation of a mutable datatype defined via defmutable, constructs and returns a matching instance of that datatype.

Roundtrips with snapshot; that is, for any instance x of a type defined via defmutable,

(= (snapshot x) (snapshot (mutable (snapshot x))))


(maybe-mutable x)


Unstable implementation detail, please don't use.


(lookup go k)


Returns the state of GameObject go at key k. Does not convert defmutable instances to persistent representations.


(state go)
(state go k)


With one argument, returns the state of GameObject go on all keys as a map. With two arguments, returns the state of GameObject go at key k. If this state is a defmutable instance, will return a persistent representation instead. To avoid this behavior use lookup.


(state+ go k v)


Sets the state of GameObject go to value v at key k. Returns v. If v is a persistent representation of a defmutable instance, will convert it to a mutable instance before inserting in the scene graph.


(state- go k)


Removes the state of object go at key k.


(clear-state go)


Removes all state from the GameObject go.


(update-state go k f)
(update-state go k f x)
(update-state go k f x y)
(update-state go k f x y z)
(update-state go k f x y z & args)


Updates the state of GameObject go at key k with function f and additional arguments args. Args are applied in the same order as . Returns the new value of the state at k.

In the special case that the value in state is a defmutable instance, f will be applied to the persistent representation of that value, which will then be converted to a mutable instance again, and inserted into state at k. The returned value will be f applied to the persistent representation.


(role- obj k)


Removes a role from GameObject obj on key k. Any hook or state attached to obj on key k will be removed. Returns nil.


(role+ obj k r)


Adds a role r to GameObject obj on key k, replacing any previous role on k. Keys in r corresponding to Unity event functions, such as :update, :on-collision-enter, etc, are expected to have values meeting the criteria for hook functions described in the docstring for hook+. For such a key event-kw, values will be attached to obj as though by (hook+ obj event-kw k (get r event-kw)).

If present, the value of the key :state in r will be attached to obj as though by (state+ obj k (get r :state)).

For example,

{:state 45, {:update #'on-update, :on-collision-enter #'on-collision-enter}})

has the same effect as

(role- obj :example-role)
(state+ obj :example-role 45)
(hook+ obj :update :example-role #'on-update)
(hook+ obj :on-collision-enter :example-role #'on-collision-enter)

As with state+, persistent reprsentations defmutable data as values in :state will be converted to mutable instances.

Returns r.


(roles+ obj rs)


Takes a GameObject obj and map rs containing role keys and role maps as entries. For each entry in rs with key k and value r, adds r to obj on key k as though calling

(role+ obj k r)

Returns rs.


(roles- obj ks)


Takes a GameObject obj and collection of keys ks. For each key k in ks, will remove k from obj, as if calling

(role- obj k)

Returns nil.


(role obj k)


Returns a map of all hooks and state attached to GameObject obj on key k. Within the returned map, keys will be either hook event keywords such as :update, :on-collision-enter, etc, or :state.

(hook+ obj :update :test #'on-update)
(state+ obj :test {:speed 3, :mass 4})

(role obj :test)
;; returns:
;; {:state {:speed 3, :mass 4},
;;  :update #'on-update}


(roles obj)


Returns a map containing all the roles attached to GameObject obj. For each entry in this map, the key is the key of some hooks or state attached to obj, and the value is the map one would get by calling (role obj k) for that key k. For example:

(hook+ obj :update :key-a #'on-update)
(state+ obj :key-a {:speed 3, :mass 4})

(hook+ obj :update :key-b #'other-on-update)
(state+ obj :key-b {:name "bob", :health 5})

(roles obj)
;; returns:
;; {:key-a {:state {:speed 3, :mass 4},
;;          :update #'on-update},
;;  :key-b {:state {:name "bob", :health 5},
;;          :update #'other-on-update}}

Roundtrips with roles+.

defrole macro


(defrole name entry*)

Macro for defining roles quickly. Each entry can be either a key-value pair with a keyword key, such as would normally occur in a map intended as an Arcadia role, or an inlined function definition.

Normal key-value pairs get inserted into the generated map. For example,

(defrole movement
  :state {:speed 3}
  :update #'movement-update)

will expand into

(def movement
  {:state {:speed 3}
   :update #'movement-update})

Inlined function definitions have the following syntax:

(name [args*] body)

name must be the symbol form of an Arcadia hook keyword. A function intended for the :update hook, for example, should have the name update:

(defrole movement
  :state {:speed 3}
  (update [obj k] ...))

Each inlined function definition will generate a var, with a name constructed as follows: <name of role>-<name of hook>

For example, the movement role above will generate a var named movement-update bound to a function with the provided arguments and body, and include that var in the generated role map, expanding into something like:

  (defn movement-update [obj k] ...)
  (def movement
    {:state {:speed 3}
     :update #'movement-update}))

Note that generating vars is usually a bad idea because it messes with tooling and legibility. This macro does it anyway because the hook functions should serialize in the Unity scene graph, and that requires vars.


(mut! x kw v)


Dynamically sets field keyword kw of defmutable instance x to new value v. Returns v.


(delete! x k)


Removes dynamic entry k from defmutable instance x.

defmutable macro


(defmutable [name [fields*] other*])

Defines a new serializable, type-hinted, mutable datatype, intended for particularly performance or allocation sensitive operations on a single thread (such as Unity's main game thread). These datatypes support snapshotting to persistent data via snapshot, and reconstruction from snapshots via mutable; snapshotting and reconstructing are also integrated into state, state+, update-state, role, role+, and roles.

defmutable instances may be mutated in two ways. Their fields may be mutated directly using set! and dot syntax. Fields may also be dynamically set using (mut! obj k v). Here, obj is the defmutable instance, k is the keyword key for an entry, and v is the new value of that entry to set on the defmutable instance.

Instances of these types may be converted into persistent representations and back via snapshot and mutable. This roundtrips, so if x is such an instance:

(= (snapshot x) (snapshot (mutable (snapshot x))))

If a persistent snapshot is specified as the state argument of set-state, or as the :state value in the map argument of role+, the ArcadiaState component will be populated at the appropriate key by the result of calling mutable on that snapshot. Conversely, role and roles will automatically convert any mutable instances that would otherwise be the values of :state in the returned map(s) to persistent snapshots.

defmutable supports four special options to help define custom snapshot and mutable implementations:

  • :snapshot
  • :mutable
  • :snapshot-elements
  • :mutable-elements

:snapshot and :mutable expect their values to be in the following form:

([this-param key-param value-param] body*)

When calling snapshot or mutable, the function defined by :snapshot or :mutable will be called on each entry in the defmutable instance (in the case of snapshot) or the persistent map representation (in the case of mutable). When these functions run, this-param will be assigned to the original defmutable instance for snapshot, or to the original persistent map representation for mutable; key-param will be assigned to the keyword key of this entry; and val-param will be assigned to its incoming value. For :snapshot, the return will be the value of the corresponding entry in the persistent map representation. For :mutable, the return will be the value of the corresponding entry in the defmutable instance representation. :snapshot and :mutable should invert each other.

:snapshot-elements and :mutable-elements support finer specialization of snapshot and mutable behavior. They expect their values to be maps from keyword names of possible entries, to the same sort of function specifications taken by :snapshot and :mutable. Specifications made with :snapshot-elements or :mutable-elements take priority over those made with :snapshot or :mutable.

See the online documentation for examples.

defmutable will automatically generate a constructor function. As with deftype, the name of its var will be -> followed by the name of the type, and its expected arguments will be the initial values of fields, in order.

For example, given the following defmutable definition:

(defmutable Sheep [wooliness bouyancy])

an instance of Sheep could be constructed using

(->Sheep 3 4)

defmutable serialization, via either snapshot or Unity scene-graph serialization, does not currently preserve reference identity. Calling mutable on the same snapshot twice will result in two distinct instances. It is therefore important to store any given defmutable instance in just one place in the scene graph.

Since they define new types, reevaluating defmutable forms will require also reevaluating all forms that refer to them via type hints (otherwise they'll fall back to dynamic lookups). defmutable-once is like defmutable, but will not redefine the type if it has already been defined (similar to defonce).

As low-level, potentially non-boxing constructs, instances of defmutable types work particularly well with the magic library.


(defmutable-once & [name :as args])


Like defmutable, but will only evaluate if no type with the same name has been defined.

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