Ros module for Arcos Lab omnidirectional robot.
You'll need to install rospkg (In case you don't already have it) and pyserial in order to run this code.
pew new ros
pip install pyserial rospkg catkin_pkg numpy
NOTE: You'll need to use pew workon ros each time you want to use this package. Read more about pew in case you don't know what it is:
In order to use this ros driver, you need to clone this code in your catkin workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
You can bring up the ros node using this:
roslaunch omnidirectional_node bringup.launch
NOTE: In order to move the omnidirectional robot with a ps4 controller, we advice to use this git:
Follow the instructions on ps4-ros repo. Note that ps4-ros is only a repo for publishing joy messages to ros. In order to move the base, you'll need this code:, which will convert joy messages to twist, and publish them in cmd_vel, which is the topic omnidirectional driver listens to.
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-teleop-twist-joy
Assuming you already have ps4-ros and teleop-twist-joy running:
Enable roscore
First, enable python workspace with pew. Then pair your ps4 controller:
pew workon ros ds4drv
Pay attention to what device is it. Ex: /dev/input/jsX
On another terminal, edit the launch file of teleop_twist_joy (located in teleop_twist_joy/launch/teleop.launch). Change the
roscd teleop_twist_joy/launch/ emacs -nw teleop.launch
Edit the third line. Change default="/dev/input/js0" with your ps4 controller:
~~ default="/dev/input/js1" defaultl="/dev/input/jsX"
On a third terminal, bring un teleop twist joy:
pew workon ros roslaunch teleop_twist_joy teleop.launch
On a fourth terminal, bring up ps4 ros node
pew workon ros rosrun ps4_ros ps4_ros
You should now have a basic controller, for your omnidirectional base. The bindings are located in teleop_twist_joy/config