versão 0.1
Sample player and spectrogram, for analyses on large number of samples.
based on wavesurfer.js with the spectrogram plugin Using angular.js with angular material
works only in modern browsers supporting Web Audio.
samples are in folder /samples_0
you can rename the folder and files in main.js
.controller('MainController', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
//to change the name of the samples folder
$scope.folder = "samples_0/";
$scope.extension = ".mp3";
$scope.longList = [];
//to change the number of the files
for (var i = 33; i < 43; i++) {
title: i,
url: $scope.folder + i + $scope.extension,
itemid: i,
This is been specially developed for audio analyses of the samples from the project Banda Aberta,
Developed by [Ariane Stolfi] (, based on angular.js and angular material examples on wavesurfer.js
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.