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Ari Mandjelikian edited this page May 9, 2016 · 2 revisions



Nhl goal light python for raspberry pi GPIO. Works with any team, just enter team name (without city) when prompted. Before using this file, make sur you have:

python-pip, python-dev, python-rpi.gpio, mpg123, goal_horn_1.mp3, goal_horn_2.mp3, goal_horn_3.mp3


    $ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-rpi.gpio mpg123 python-pip

or run:

    $ sudo apt-get install mpg123 python-pip
    $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

For documentation on how to wire the GPIOs with the lights and the button, pleaser refer to the "docs" folder.


-Raspberry Pi (currently using raspberry pi A model, but any model will work)

-Red Rotating Beacon Warning Light from ebay

-5V 2 Channel Relay Module from ebay

-Momentary OFF ON Push Round Button

-12V to 5V 1A adapter (used a car usb adapter)

-3.5mm audio extension cable

###Audio If you wish to change the audio clips to sounds with your teams goal horn and music, just download them, rename them (goal_horn_#.mp3) and save them in the "audio" folder.

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