Releases: arimger/Unity-Editor-Toolbox
Releases · arimger/Unity-Editor-Toolbox
- OnToolbarGuiRight callback (ability to draw GUI elements on the right side of the toolbar container); OnToolbarGui replaced with the OnToolbarGuiLeft callback
- Fix fetching private members from base classes in various cases (e.g. [EditorButton] or conditionals)
- Move FolderData to the Runtime assembly to fix issues caused by the Visual Scripting package
- Fix minor rendering issues caused by the ReoerdableList's footer position
- Fix clearing cached Editor instances in the [InLineEditor] (fix for the AudioClip still playing)
- Improve displaying [SerializeReference]-based properties in the multi-editing mode
- AnimationCurveSettingsAttribute
- Possibility to use [EditorButton] and [DynamicHelp] in nested types
- For now SerializeReference properties without children will always be folded
- Fix exception while building labels for generic types without arguments
- Fix drawing SerializedDictionary if value or key types cannot be serialized
- Fix runtime compilation error caused by the SerializedDirectory
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1
Sorry guys for this issue, I hope it didn't cause much trouble for you today. I added an additional workflow job for running standalone unit tests so it shouldn't happen anymore!
- Warning information if currently serialized type in TypeField-based drawers (SerializedType, [ReferencerPicker]) is not available in the filtered types collection
- Context menu operations for [SerializeReference] properties (Copy, Paste, Duplicate), all operations are based on a deep copy of the source reference
- Basic support for generic references while using [SerializeReference] & [ReferencePicker], can be utilized in Unity 2023.2.x+
- More unit tests (PropertyUtility, filtering generic types)
- Validation of assigned assets in the SerializedDirectory class
- Fix duplicated initialization process forced by the OnValidate call
- Better support for generic types for the SerializedType & associated drawer
- Hierarchy: For now 'Script' label displays maximum 5 scripts
- Improved types label generation for TypeField-based drawers (SerializedType, [ReferencerPicker])
Full Changelog: v0.12.13...v0.13.0
- DisableInEditModeAttribute
- Hierarchy: Added Tree List renderer, which improves visual identification of parent and child gameobjects
- Hierarchy: For now 'Script' label will display all available components linked to a GameObject/Prefabs
- Hierarchy: For now 'Layer' label will display full layer name instead of the layer mask value
- Fix SceneView settings change events firing when they shouldn't
- Fix issue when trying to find private fields/properties from parent classes (e.g. while using conditional attributes)
- NotPrefabObjectOnlyAttribute
- LabelWidthAttribute is now part of the Toolbox decorator attributes (can be mixed with other attributes)
- Hierarchy: Script, Tag, and Layer columns are now excluded from the default settings
- Possibility to change style for groups ([BeginGroup] and [BeginHorizontalGroup] attributes)
- ScriptableObject Creation Wizard now accepts only ScriptableObjects marked with the [CreateInWizard] or [CreateAssetMenu] attributes
0.12.10 Release
- Fix fetching and initializing Toolbox features when assets are updating
- Display ReorderableList element handle at the top of available space
- Display "Collection is Empty" label for empty ReorderableLists
- New visual appearance for the SerializedDictionary properties
- Fix using Toolbox drawers in the SerializedDictionary properties
- Change the default SceneView selector key to
0.12.9 Release
- Fix rare invalid SerializedProperty iterator when editing child properties
- Extend objects creation behaviour while using the ReferencePickerAttribute (possibility to create uninitialized objects)
- Minor UX improvements in the ScriptableObjectCreationWizard
0.12.8 Release
- Fix calling the ScriptAttributeUtility.GetDrawerTypeForType method in Unity 2033.3+
- Fix getting and setting scripting defines in Unity 2023+