A tiny LESS file with commonly used CSS instructions, which will help you building the layout and structure of any project. It works great in combination with Bootstrap.
Simply include the minified CSS version in your proyect:
- All WL classes are prefixed with "wl-".
- There are 5 different sizes, which can be configured individually using "@wl-base-" variables: xs, sm, md, lg and xl, or by default, setting a base gutter with "@wl-base-gutter" variable, which automatically gets sized proportionally.
{SIZES} = xs, sm, md, lg, xl
CLEARFIXES: wl-cfix-{{SIZES}} BORDER-RADIUS: wl-br-{{SIZES}} DISPLAY: wl-ds-{block, inline, inline-block, none} FLOATS: wl-fl-{none, left, right} MARGINS: wl-ma-auto, wl-ma-{all, bottom, left, right, top}-{no, {SIZES}} PADDINGS: wl-pa-{all, bottom, left, right, top}-{SIZES} POSITION: wl-ps-{absolute, fixed, relative, static} TEXT ALIGNMENTS: wl-ta-{center, left, right, justify} TEXT TRANSFORMS: wl-tt-{uppercase, lowercase, capitalize} VISIBILITY: wl-vs-{visible, hidden}
Other useful helpers
CENTERDIV: wl-centerdiv FULLWIDTH: wl-fullwidth
- First release
- Created some new utility classes: text transforms, centerdiv, text alignments
- Removed fluid boxes for the moment, this is not a grid framework, just utilities
- Updated readme.md file
- Released SCSS version