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Daniel Gomes edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 20 revisions

The API allows full-text search and access preserved web content and related metadata. It is also possible to search by URL, accessing all versions of preserved web content.
API returns a JSON object.


Note: a text search query returns a maximum of 500 response results

Request Parameters

Search for terms

Parameter Name Description Examples
q Query search terms.
The query can contain advanced search operators. Advanced search operators can be:
  • " " : search for items containing expression composed by search terms (e.g. phrase or named entity).
  • - : excludes items that contains the given terms.
Do not input URLs in parameter q because it will return an HTTP 400 Bad request error. Use versionHistory parameter to search for URLs or alternative APIs that support URL search: CDX-server API, Memento API.
q=James Davis          
q="Antonio Costa"
q=Albert -Einstein
from Set an initial date for the time span of the search.
Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, also accepts a shorter date fotmat, e.g. (YYYY).
Default: 1996
to Set a end date for the time span of the search.
Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, also accepts a shorter date format, for example (YYYY).
Default: Current Year-1
type Specify accepted formats for the response items.
Subtype of the MIME types (e.g. pdf, ps, html, xls, ppt, doc, rtf, etc).
offset The position of the text indices where the search begins.
siteSearch Limit search within a given site. siteSearch=
collection Limit search within a given collection. Only results from the specified collections are return. A list of all the collections preserved by is publicly available collection=EAWP13,EAWP21
maxItems Maximum number of items on the response.
Default: 50.
Max: 500
itemsPerSite (deprecated) Maximum number of items per each site. (site)
Default: itemsPerSite = 2
This parameter is deprecated by the dedupValue parameter
dedupValue Maximum number of items per dedupField. (The default dedupField used is "site") dedupValue=5
dedupField Result field where the deduplication will be performed. (ex. site, url) dedupField=site
fields Selector specifying a subset of fields to include in the response. Separated by ",".
Possible fields: title, originalURL, linkToArchive, tstamp, contentLength, digest, mimeType, linkToScreenshot, date, encoding, linkToNoFrame, linkToOriginalFile, collection, snippet, linkToExtractedText
fields=title, originalURL, linkToArchive, tstamp
callback Callback function.
  • For more information, see the partial request section in the REST from JavaScript.
  • Use for better performance.
prettyPrint Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
  • Returns the response in a human-readable format if true.
  • Default value: true.
  • When this is false, it can reduce the response payload size, which might lead to better performance in some environments.

Search for URL

Search by URL, allows automatic access to all preserved versions of a respective preserved URL. The items are returned from the most recent to the old one.

Parameter name Description Examples
versionHistory The only parameter required for URL search.
It will return a list of the preserved versions for the URL that was required.
The URL may or may not contain the protocol, eg. http. Being strongly advised to define the url with the respective protocol. You must encode the originalURL with the percent-encoding (URL encoding).

Response fields

Type of Search Field Name Description Examples
Full-text, URL, Metadata serviceName           Service Name.     "serviceName": " - the Portuguese web-archive"
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToService URL for the service, in the case "linkToService": ""
Full-text, URL, Metadata request_parameters field with all request parameters. "request_parameters":
  "q": "Albert Einstein",
   "offset": 10,
   "limit": 5,
   "itemsPerSite": 2,
  "prettyPrint": "true"
Full-text, URL next_page URL for the next N items.
N = offset + limit.
(offset=0 and limit=50). Default=50
Full-text, URL previous_page URL for previous N items.
N = offset - limit.
(offset=0 and limit=50). Default=0.
Full-text, URL estimated_nr_results Estimated total number of items for the search, without paging. "estimated_nr_results": "8654051"
URL total_items Total number of items for the search, without paging. "total_number" : "900"
Full-text, URL, Metadata title* Attribute of the HTML <title> tag of the original version. "title": "Antonio Costa"
Full-text, URL, Metadata originalURL* Version URL of the preserved version content. "originalURL": ""
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToArchive* URL of the preserved version in "linkToArchive": "
Full-text, URL, Metadata tstamp* UTC timestamp of when the page was crawled - NOT the timestamp of when it was published
"tstamp": "19961013191640"
Full-text, URL, Metadata contentLength* Size in bytes of the preserved version. "contentLength": "1023"
Full-text, URL, Metadata digest* Version hash preserved.
Algorithm: MD5.
"digest": "5e8de36a1d6a76677a262e3e71d5c53d"
Full-text, URL, Metadata mimeType* MIME type of the character set. "mimeType": "text"
Full-text, URL, Metadata encoding* Encoding of the content.
This field can return empty.
"encoding": "windows-1252"
Full-text, URL, Metadata date* Date of crawl of the version.
Format: epoch
"date": "0845224210"
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToScreenshot* URL to download in image format. "linkToScreenshot": "
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToNoFrame* Link to the reproduction of the item, without the identifying sidebars of the "linkToNoFrame": "
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToOriginalFile* Link to the original HTML of the preserved version. "linkToOriginalFile": "
Full-text, URL, Metadata linkToExtractedText* URL for file download with filtered text extracted from preserved version.
This field can return empty.
"linkToExtractedText": "
Full-text, URL linkToMetadata* Link to web document metadata. "linkToMetadata": "
Full-text snippet* Snippet is a block of text extracted from preserved web content that contains matches with search terms. HTML format, same as snippet displayed on search page. "snippet": "<em>Antonio</em> <em>Costa</em>
António <em>Costa</em> Pe
rsonal Information Position: Lecturer, Computer Communications Group
<span class="ellipsis">
... </span> Address: <em>costa</em> X.500 Information Ent
ry . Curriculum vitae Antón
io <em>Costa</em> , Page last modified: Fri Ju
n 16 19:16:13 MET DST 1995 Internet URL-
http:/zeca.umi<em>costa</em>/<span cla
ss="ellipsis"> ... </s
URL, Metadata statusCode* Crawl request HTTP status-code to the preserved version. "statusCode": "200"
Full-text, URL, Metadata collection* The crawlings of the preserved Web in are divided by collections. This field returns the collection identifier of the preserved version.
This field can return empty.
"collection": "AWP3"
Metadata filename Name of the ARC file where the item was extracted.
This field can return empty.
"filename": ""
Metadata offset The position of the CDX indices where the item is.
This field can return empty.
"offset": "9537529"

*Response fields are repeated N times. Where N is the number of response items.

Examples Requests

Example Request - Full-text Search

Full-text Search for the terms Albert and Einstein, with a limit of 5 results, with the offset to 10. Finally, returns the results with formatting.

Example Response - Full-text Search

  "serviceName": " - the Portuguese web-archive",
  "linkToService": "",
  "next_page": "",
  "previous_page": "",
  "request_parameters": {
    "q": "Albert Einstein",
    "maxItems": "5",
    "prettyPrint": "true"
  "response_items": [
      "title": "Albert Einstein ? Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20150408223215",
      "contentLength": "513829",
      "digest": "3bf5a50a6ec8adddc5225569d360123b",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1428532335",
      "encoding": "UTF-8",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "snippet": "<em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> &#8211; Wikip&eacute;dia, a enciclop&eacute;dia livre <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> Origem: Wikip&eacute;dia, a enciclop&eacute;dia livre. Ir para: navega&ccedil;&atilde;o , pesquisa Nota: &nbsp;Para outras acep&ccedil;&otilde;es do nome ver <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> (desambigua&ccedil;&atilde;o) e <em>Einstein</em> (desambigua&ccedil;&atilde;o) . <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em>&nbsp; F&iacute;sica <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> em 1921 Dados gerais<span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span>",
      "collection": "AWP17",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20150409010320",
      "contentLength": "498243",
      "digest": "140922258a89e6d639189f10ffaf5f1a",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1428541400",
      "encoding": "UTF-8",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "snippet": "<em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search &quot;<em>Einstein</em>&quot; redirects here. For other uses, see <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> (disambiguation) and <em>Einstein</em> (disambiguation) . <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> in 1921 Born ( 1879<span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span>",
      "collection": "AWP17",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "Albert Einstein ? Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20120122174556",
      "contentLength": "323194",
      "digest": "a57bdfdb64905ce26c777f59a20b04b0",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1327254356",
      "encoding": "UTF-8",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "snippet": "<em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> &#8211; Wikip&eacute;dia, a enciclop&eacute;dia livre <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> Origem: Wikip&eacute;dia, a enciclop&eacute;dia livre. Ir para: navega&ccedil;&atilde;o , pesquisa &nbsp; Nota: &nbsp; Para outros significados, veja <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em><span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span> <em>Einstein</em> (desambigua&ccedil;&atilde;o) . <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em>&nbsp; F&iacute;sica <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em>, em 1921 Nacionalidade Alem&atilde; (1879<span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span>",
      "collection": "AWP12",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "Albert Einstein Online",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20090714011510",
      "contentLength": "17447",
      "digest": "6a6378ae90fe70a685a85a4b293c260c",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1247534110",
      "encoding": "windows-1252",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "snippet": "<em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> Online [Overviews] Ten Obscure Factoids Concerning <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> Biography <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> Biography , <em>Einstein</em>-Image and Impact . AIP History Center exhibit <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em>'s Scientific Works Time Line of <em>Einstein</em>'s Life <em>Einstein</em>'s Big idea , Nova<span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span>",
      "collection": "AWP4",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "Albert Einstein",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20091005062521",
      "contentLength": "122399",
      "digest": "146b4c57771907283fb3222efbea3ac7",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1254723921",
      "encoding": "UTF-8",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "snippet": "<em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> skip to main | skip to sidebar <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> <em>ALBERT</em> <em>EINSTEIN</em>, BIBLIGRAFIA, CARTAS, HIST&Oacute;RIA E TEORIAS <em>ALBERT</em> <em>EINSTEIN</em> - ANIMA&Ccedil;&Atilde;O <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em>, Textos: Video <em>ALBERT</em> <em>EINSTEIN</em> - BIOGRAFIA <em>Albert</em> <em>Einstein</em> (Ulm, 14 de Mar&ccedil;o de 1879 - Princeton, 18 de Abril de 1955) foi um f&iacute;sico<span class=\"ellipsis\"> ... </span>",
      "collection": "AWP5",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""

Example Request - URL Search

URL Search for the versions, with a limit of 5 results. Finally, returns the results with formatting.

Example Response - URL Search

  "serviceName": " - the Portuguese web-archive",
  "linkToService": "",
  "next_page": "",
  "previous_page": "",
  "request_parameters": {
    "maxItems": "5",
    "from": "19960101000000",
    "to": "20181231235959",
    "prettyPrint": "true"
  "response_items": [
      "title": "302 Found",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20160719170305",
      "contentLength": "318",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1468947785",
      "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "302",
      "collection": "FAWP2620160719",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "302 Found",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20160718170306",
      "contentLength": "316",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1468861386",
      "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "302",
      "collection": "FAWP2620160718",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "302 Found",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20160717170308",
      "contentLength": "318",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1468774988",
      "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "302",
      "collection": "FAWP2620160717",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "302 Found",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20160716170306",
      "contentLength": "317",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1468688586",
      "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "302",
      "collection": "FAWP2620160716",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""
      "title": "302 Found",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20160715170308",
      "contentLength": "317",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "1468602188",
      "encoding": "iso-8859-1",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "302",
      "collection": "FAWP2620160715",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": ""

Example Response - Metadata Search

Metadata search for the version, with 20000302151731 timestamp. Finally, returns the results with formatting.

Metadata Link:

  "serviceName": " - the Portuguese web-archive",
  "linkToService": "",
  "request_parameters": {
    "prettyPrint": "true"
  "response_items": [
      "title": "EXPRESSO",
      "originalURL": "",
      "linkToArchive": "",
      "tstamp": "20000302151731",
      "contentLength": "33905",
      "mimeType": "text/html",
      "linkToScreenshot": "",
      "date": "0952010251",
      "encoding": "windows-1252",
      "linkToNoFrame": "",
      "linkToOriginalFile": "",
      "status": "200",
      "collection": "IA20000302",
      "linkToExtractedText": "",
      "linkToMetadata": "",
      "filename": "PT-HISTORICAL-2000-GROUP-ALV-20100830000000-00000.arc.gz",
      "offset": "11319239"

REST from JavaScript

You can invoke the JSON TextSearch API using REST from JavaScript, using the callback query parameter and a callback function. This allows you to write rich applications that display Custom Search data without writing any server side code.

The following example uses this approach to display the first page of search results for the query Simone de Beauvoir:

    <title>JSON TextSearch API Example</title>
    <div id="content"></div>
    function hndlr(response) {

      	for (var i = 0; i < response.response_items.length; i++) {
        	var item = response.response_items[i];
        	// in production code, item.htmlTitle should have the HTML entities escaped.
        	document.getElementById("content").innerHTML += "<br>" + "<strong>Page Title</strong>: " + item.title + " <strong>URL</strong>: " + item.linkToArchive;
    <script src="">