This is a small application that uses GPT-3.5 Turbo to help students to review academic contents. It was developed as an activity for the discipline of Java Software Architecture at the PUC-MG.
- To use this application, you must have an OpenAI account and have credits available to use.
- You must have Java Development Kit on version 17
- You can check your version by running
java -version
in your terminal
- You can check your version by running
- Clone this repository and open it in your IDE of choice
- Open the configuration file located at bootstrap.yml and replace the
with your OpenAI token:
- Build the project using the command:
./gradlew build -x test
- Start the SpringBoot Aplication using the command:
./gradlew bootRun
- Open the browser and access the Swagger UI at
This project is divides in 3 main packages:
- Controller: Contains the REST Controllers, and how to use the service layer
- Service: Contains the business logic, and how to use the OpenAI API
- Infra: Contains the infrastructure logic, and how to conect to external services
- Client: Contains the OpenAI API client and the DTOs used to communicate with it
- Exception: Contains the custom exceptions used in the application
- Handler: Contains the exception handlers used in the application
- Andrew Costa Silva - 1137978
- Arthur Guterres Boeck - 1470051
- Danielson Augusto - 1481701
- Diego Ribeiro Alvarenga Silva - 1200783
- Guilherme Bruno Rodrigues Silva - 1177412
- Leandro Molinari - 1453411