The original package is available at
The cli executable tool from this repository strips away clutter like buttons, ads, background images, and videos. It outputs html and text great for reading or parsing (for a web crawler for example).
For a quick start, you can download a pre-compiled binary available in the Releases section of this repository. It provides an effortless way to access the package without delving into the compilation process.
Install Deno:
(Instruction for Macos and Linux, more options available at[email protected]/getting_started/installation)
curl -fsSL | sh
Then run:
deno compile --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --output=readability_cli readability_cli.js
deno compile --unstable --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --output=readability_httpserver readability_httpserver.js
./readability_httpserver --homedir /path/to/home/directory --listenon "" --port 8080
Then curl -X POST "/path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.html"
, readability_httpserver will write /path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.readable.html
and /path/to/home/directory/path/to/html/file/to/make/more/readable.readable.txt
in the same location.
./readability_cli --sourcefile index.html --outputfile very_readable.html
See It is the license from Arc90 javascript library upon which Readability is based. It is also the one adopted by the Mozilla repository.