Deep Learning on Historical Manuscripts
Disclaimer: this is approximately how I set this up. Your mileage might wary. Also, it should be totally possible to develop without Eclipse, but I find it quite useful.
- install Eclipse (
- install Maven (
sudo apt-get install maven
) - in Eclipse, install Maven plugin
Help -> Install new software -> Luna ->
search for Maven- select m2e, doesn't matter which one if you see many of them (e.g. in Collaboration)
- clone the project from github
git clone [email protected]:arvanito/DeepManuscripts.git
) - compile: in DeepManuscripts/deeplearning, do
mvn package
- import the project to Eclipse
File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Next
- select DeepManuscripts/deeplearning as the root directory
- if you want to run the code locally, you also need to install Spark
- you might want to add Spark's bin to $PATH
- to test if everything works:
- create a file called
, with content123 456 789
(tabs, not spaces) - in DeepManuscripts/deeplearning, do (supposing Spark's bin is in $PATH)
spark-submit --class --master local[1] target/DeepManuscriptLearning-0.0.1.jar test_in.txt test_out
- it should execute, and you should end up with folder
with filepart-00000
- create a file called
Before proceeding, please read the basic tutorial: It is written concisely.
.proto file contains the description/layout of your settings. This is the file you need to modify if you want to add/remove settings. The .proto file is compiled using the protoc tool which generates a .java file. The .java file contains all the classes generated from your .proto file definition.
- Compiling the .proto file requires you to install the protoc packages. Please read the
'Compiling .proto files' section from the provided link
- Note that you do not need to compile the .proto file if you do not want to add changes to it
- If you modified the .proto file, for the changes to take effect run the command below in the deeplearning folder:
protoc -I=src/main/java --java_out=src/ src/main/java/deep_model_settings.proto
This will create a class in the src/main/java folder named You need to runmvn package
again after you update
- Modyfing the .proto file
- The .proto file must be compiled after every change.
- Every
is compiled into a Java class - A field of the message can be
- Every field
of a message generates methods of the form ** hasField() is true if the field is present (it is always true for required fields but can be false for optional and repeated) ** getField() / getFieldList() returns the actual field message / a list of messages for repeated fields
- Creating a .prototxt file //TODO