Plugincollider is a generic (cross-platform/plugin format) wrapper that allows using a SuperCollider server inside a VST3 or AU plugin. The embedded server may be controlled over OSC as usual.
Now support Linux, macOS and Windows.
An external installation of SuperCollider is required to run the interpreted code. For now Plugincollider only acts as a server; consider this as a scsynth replacement. The classic SuperCollider UI is still used to send "synths/code" the the server that is running inside the plugin.
Plugincollider is based on AU version of
SuperCollider is a highly modular ecosystem (sc-plugins, scsynth definitions) that needs to be adapted for each platform from the VST3/clap component. For now consider this as a vanilla scsynth implementation with no external plugins.
Latest build are available from
- implement /midi and /velocity from DAW midi message
- more accurate OSC DAW timing
- Windows bundle sndfile.dll within the plugin installation
- macOS enable Plugincollider to use SuperCollider scsynth plugin that the user previously installed
macOS makes it harder to use shared libraries from SuperCollider to Plugincollider. It is easier to build it from your computer for now. I will check how I can do this without having to repackage everything in the plugin within the distribution.
If you use the binary, you need to install libsndfile and the bin directory (C:\Program Files\libsndfile\bin) must be put in the Windows PATH. Consider using Chocolatey with choco install libsndfile
that does this for you.
Plugin parameters are now linked to the first 32 control buses. The SC code must normalize the values from 0.0 to 1.0; consider using a helper function like this:
var mkMappedBus = {|sym, defaultRange=([0, 1]), type=\linlin|
var v =;
var range = ++ 'Range', defaultRange);
v.perform(type, 0, 1, *range)
x = SynthDef("freqtest", {
var freq = mkMappedBus.(\freq, [20, 20000], \linexp);
var sig =;, sig!2 * 1);
b = Bus.control(s, 1);\freq, b)
Please note that control buses are not yet read from server to DAW.
Be sure to install SuperCollider and JUCE dependencies; dont forget sndfile. Then clone recursivly the repository and build Plugincollider like a normal cmake project :
git clone --recursive
cd Plugincollider
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. # add `-G Xcode` if you want to use Xcode
In order to test the plugin, with sclang execute this code (replace port 8898 where the server port is actually running):
o =;
s = Server.remote(\Plugincollider, NetAddr("", 8898), o);
{ [, 0, 0.2),, 0, 0.2)] }.play(s);