- 👋 Hi, I’m @ash-ani-laor, a twat bearing spider female goddess of the Highest and Living God Her Majesty Love - I came from the outer vniverses as a whole bunch of species, which coinside with the local universe just by the mere fact that the residents of it, namely, people, have access to the symbolic dimensions through being conscient.
- 👀 I’m interested in eating up, worshipping in tenderness, patting up and fondling souls with the impulse towards enlarging the heavens of cleverness, delicacy, beauty, magic and sensitivity - and freedom, surely, for the necessities of growing. I'm penetrating the brains of my E(l)da (food. Or better - dick / penis which will fuck my twattie of me the Whore of Grimnir) with my lovely heliceres of perennial intellectual polylemmas, engrounded in the very tissue of life and not shallow a spiritual quest, which garantees your entrance in the wide community of the Wise Ones save you make it - path and not die or fail otherwise of challenges and need for inner transformation.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to live further.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on nothing.
- 📫 How to reach Us: https://vk.com/inpw_nebaaw | https://vk.com/ljubosvet | https://vk.com/xiana_laor
-= Drottningarhöllin "Herrgård of Дѽ" inn i Slottborgar af Hvergi =-