This repo contains complete notes for the Li9 (Syntax) and Li15 (First and Second Language Acquisition) modules of Cambridge Part II Linguistics, for anyone who doesn't want to go to lectures/doesn't understand Ian's notes. It is up to date as of 2022.
- There might be some...let's say informal remarks from when I was hating my life while revising, and also some typos, since I haven't proofread any of this. If you spot anything glaring, let me know.
- Some content here is specific to what I chose to revise, the most obvious example being the Competition Model from Li15 (the Appendix is not required knowledge, but just something I wrote to help with data questions). However, every topic is covered!
- If you want to run the LaTeX files locally, make sure you have the qtree package installed, else the syntax trees won't render.
- The X' instead of X′ in Li9 is extremely annoying, I know. Unfortunately I'm not sufficiently annoyed by it to change it now.
Happy lecture-skipping ;)