- 🌱 I love making software applications that help solve real world problems
- 🔭 I'm currently a graduate student at Rochester Institute of Technology (CGPA - 3.97)
- 💬 Majoring in Computer Science
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
A peer-to-peer distributed storage platform enhancing data accessibility, scalability, and fault tolerance while eliminating single points of failure. (In-Progress)
A smart purchase planner built with the MERN stack, helping users track, categorize, and prioritize purchases to reduce unnecessary spending.
An interactive digital portfolio leveraging immersive web technologies to showcase skills dynamically, going beyond traditional static resumes.
A robust network communication protocol that enhances data transmission reliability and network efficiency.
A high-performance deep learning framework specifically designed to solve complex graph optimization challenges in machine learning, enabling researchers and developers to build more efficient and precise neural network models.
A high-performance network traffic management system that optimizes server resource utilization and request processing.
A dynamic network routing protocol that optimizes path selection and prevents routing inefficiencies in complex network environments.