Language used: Python 2.7
Using the Dijkstra’s algorithm find the shortest path between each pair of nodes in a network. The graph is an undirected graph defined by a set of Nodes-N, a set of Routers-R, and set of Edges-E that connects N and R.
Nodes.txt ---> Contains all nodes.
Routers.txt ---> Contains all routers.
Edges.txt ---> Contains all possible connections.
- Find the shortest path between nodes using Dijkstra Algorithm.
- There are two modes of the program: list-all-paths and list_path_to
Use the command: alias python2="python2.7" --> Now, if you want to print all paths use python2 1 and If you want a particular path from source to destination then use python2 2 src dest
replace the src and dest with suitable vertex from the given edges or nodes. The Program once compiled will give a message that the output file has been created and you can check the output in Routes.txt file.