In python>=3.6 and pyyaml>=5.1 this library is unnecessary and can be replaced with the following code:
import functools
import yaml
Loader = getattr(yaml, 'CSafeLoader', yaml.SafeLoader)
ordered_load = functools.partial(yaml.load, Loader=Loader)
Dumper = getattr(yaml, 'CSafeDumper', yaml.SafeDumper)
ordered_dump = functools.partial(yaml.dump, Dumper=Dumper, sort_keys=False)
Some extensions to pyyaml.
pip install aspy.yaml
yaml.load which respects order for dictionaries in the yaml file.
>>> from aspy.yaml import ordered_load
>>> ordered_load(
'foo: bar\n'
'bar: baz\n'
'herp: derp\n'
OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bar', 'baz'), ('herp', 'derp')])
yaml.dump which respects order for dictionaries in the yaml file.
>>> from aspy.yaml import ordered_dump
>>> print(ordered_dump(
OrderedDict((('a', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('c', '3'), ('d', '4'))),
a: '1'
b: '2'
c: '3'
d: '4'