Mission: Web3 Developer tools for making personalized medicine affordable and accessible.
EMTTRs: Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service for Secure, Transparent Drug Testing Pipeline. Developer Tools to enable medical trial testing, clinical trials via Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service, Electronic Health Records, Open Source Radiology platform & solutions, Web3 eco-system tools like Lightlink, Blockscout and Liteflow NFT marketplaces.
EMTTRs' Website: https://emttr-deploy.vercel.app/
Information Website for Civic Bodies: https://sites.google.com/view/emttrservice/
Pitch Video at Encode Metaverse Hackathon 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIq3JiTlNVA
Optimism Deployment Website: https://op-medicine-deploy.vercel.app/
Chainlink powered NFT marketplace for DICOM images for research organizations and radiologists: Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Liteflow templates, Ethereum Blockchain and NFT marketplace. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/liteflow-nft-marketplace
Scroll and Avalanche, Blockscout interactions with Lightlink modules and OP Modules: Blockscout provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use interface for users to view, confirm, inspect and interact on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchains. We are developing 2 transparent tools for OP Medicine, which are needed to analyze and validate OP Medicine transactions. Tracing Optimism transactions to improve user retention and detect, analyze issues in real-time: trace optimism transactions in DICOM NFT marketplace for enabling data authenticity and transparency. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/lightlink-api3-prediction-module/blockscout-rs and https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/lightlink-api3-prediction-module
OP MED: Low code analytics framework tool for Medication Log. Secure data storage, transparent data movement and data authenticity using OP low code tooling and Blockscout analytics. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/dapp_suite/MedicationLog
Optimism TestXLS: Patient’s visit and Diagnosis Tooling with Blockscout based analytics tool for validation, ionic framework within OP NFT marketplace. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/dicom-optimism-marketplace/OP-testxls
Using Lightlink for giving free Optimism transactions to medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data: We are extending Lightlink API modules and OpenGSN to enable 0 Optimism transaction fees for medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data using PyDICOM open source library. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/free-OP-transactions-data-volunteers
Attestation Hub Contract for Medical Reports: We are extending the AttestationStation smart contract to develop the Attestation Hub smart contract for Medical Reports. We look forward to enabling patients to use OP for all their medi-claim transaction needs and collaborating with Third Party administrators. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/OP-attest-medical-reports-hub
Grant Recipient for Nomination in Tooling and Utilities segment at Optimism Retroactive Public Goods Funding Round 2: https://optimism.mirror.xyz/Upn_LtV2-3SviXgX_PE_LyA7YI00jQyoM1yf55ltvvI?rpgf=2 (please visit shorturl.at/hqESZ)
Optimism Prize Achievement: https://medium.com/encode-club/metaverse-hackathon-prizewinners-and-summary-5d12353cc214 ; https://optimistic.etherscan.io/tx/0x94822e1a9953a5a3c67b51c4f2c2a300cca19103cf85e8761651ad0c54fe3421
Filecoin Prize Achievement: Filecoin prize winner at Chainlink Fall hackathon 2022; EVM Ideathon Runner-Up 2022 (Government and Public Goods in Healthcare)
Other key achievements: Runner-up at HealthChainhack, Boston ($6000 credits recipient); Young Scientist Award in Healthcare at India International Science Festival; Get in the Ring startup winner from India.
Documentation and Pitch Deck, Supporting demos: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/1Mlcb3gKfyNxYpmgCkIo8ZvJCdJuQ8T0a
- EMTTR Demo Video for anonymization and encryption of medical data and dapp on decentralized medical counseling (dapp, security): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJRRlaVQSMY
- EMTTR Demo Video for bulk query, retrieve of medical data & dapp using OP, Eth, Embark, IPFS (dapp, portal): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUiVvhuUdrE
Web3 Dev Tooling: Web3 low code modules using wiki like spreadsheet with ionic framework, open source Web3 automation utilities for DICOM data management, visualization, tabulation, organization, graphing and collaboration, anonymization of data using PyDICOM library.
Enabling the bottom of pyramid through empowering pharma companies and the medical eco-system to do medicine trial testing and clinical trials via blockchain and IPFS enabled EMTTRs(Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service), Lightlink, EHR and Radiology services on the decentralized cloud, Chainlink VRF, Optimism, Ethereum, Embark, Filecoin and IPFS eco-system tools. EMTTRs as a service aims at providing
■ Secure data storage, transparent data movement and data authenticity using Chainlink VRF, Optimism, Ethereum, Filecoin and IPFS eco-system tools.
■ Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Chainlink, Optimism, Ethereum Blockchain and Filecoin perpetual storage.
■ Enabling healthcare community by empowering pharma companies & the medical eco-system to do medicine trial testing securely, and transparently using smart contracts compiled on EVM and FVM.
■ Developer Tools to enable medical trial testing, clinical trials via EMTTRs (Electronic Medicine Trial and Test Records as a Service) and EHR and Radiology services.
Just in Time Service: Availability of pharma companies medicine records across different stakeholders through secure Ethereum, Chainlink, Optimism and Filecoin eco-system tools.
• Record Management: Quality documentation reduces the issues regarding testing procedures and standardization.
• Research: Enabling the healthcare community by empowering pharma companies & the medical eco-system to do medicine trial testing securely, and transparently.
• Data Security: Efficiently sharing of data (including personal data), privacy concerns andpatient enrollment strategies.
• Transparency: Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Ethereum, Chainlink Optimism Blockchain, Filecoin and IPFS eco-system tools.
A greater and more seamless flow of information within a digital drug discovery infrastructure, created by electronic medicine trial and test records as a service (EMTTRs), encompasses and leverages digital progress and can transform the way medicines are developed, tested and distributed to improve the global health economy and achievement of Sustainable DevelopmentGoals in Healthcare.
We are utilizing Chainlink VRF as follows:
Research Contract Bill Generation: We are utilizing Chainlink Mix to work with Chainlink smart contracts. The bill script will deploy a smart contract to goerli and get a Random number via Chainlink VRF, which can used to identify a unique transaction/order number for the research contract bill.
Parametric Insurance Solution for medicine discovery with special procedures. We are utilizing an existing example at chainlink github repo to develop an insurance solution for contract researchers. Link: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/Quotation-dapp-contract-management/Chainlink-VRF
NFT and Certificate for Good research services in drug discovery: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/dapp_suite/NFT-giveaway-certificate-service-rating
Drug Discovery Service Providers (CRO) and Pharma Service Organizations Payouts: Chainlink Parametric Insurance dapp at https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/Drug-Discovery-service-payout
Truflation Market Insight modules for Chainlink services and Covalent End-points/Dashboard: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/covalent-nft-dashboard/truflation-insight
IPFS Chainlink Monitor: Workflow tool using ethereum blockchain network, store on IPFS/Filecoin via NFT.Storage, Chainlink for storing offchain billing metadata, Chainlink Data Feeds and automation for TPA claims and payments. Please visit: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/Quotation-dapp-contract-management/IPFS-Chainlink-Monitor
Our users will interact with Optimism in the following ways:
- Optimism NFT marketplace for DICOM images for research organizations and radioligists: Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Ethereum Blockchain and Optimism NFT marketplace. Sharing a smart contract for creating NFT in Optimism by one of our collaborators in Optimism Bedrock Goerli testnet: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x1d807750029b3b345052b155123908968298bb9e
EthGlobal Community: https://twitter.com/ETHGlobal/status/1637180703413530632
Optimism TestXLS: Patient’s visit and Diagnosis Tooling with ionic framework within OP NFT marketplace.
OP MED: Low code framework tool for Medication Log. Secure data storage, transparent data movement and data authenticity using OP low code tooling.
Giving free Optimism transactions to medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data: We are extending OpenGSN to enable 0 Optimism transaction fees for medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data using PyDICOM open source library.
Tracing Optimism transactions to improve user retention and detect, analyze issues in real-time: We are extending Tenderly to trace optimism transactions in DICOM NFT marketplace for enabling data authenticity and transparency.
Attestation Hub Contract for Medical Reports: We are extending the AttestationStation smart contract to develop the Attestation Hub smart contract for Medical Reports. We look forward to enabling patients to use OP for all their medi-claim transaction needs and collaborating with Third Party administrators.
- Optimism NFT marketplace for DICOM (radiology) images for OP developers, research organizations & radioligists: Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Ethereum Blockchain and Optimism NFT marketplace. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/dicom-optimism-marketplace
Sharing a smart contract for creating NFT in Optimism by one of our collaborators in Optimism Bedrock Goerli testnet: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0x1d807750029b3b345052b155123908968298bb9e
Optimism TestXLS: Patient’s visit and Diagnosis Tooling with ionic framework within OP NFT marketplace. Please visit: OP Testxls: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/dicom-optimism-marketplace/OP-testxls
OP MED: Low code framework tool for Medication Log. Secure data storage, transparent data movement and data authenticity using OP low code tooling. Please visit: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/free-OP-transactions-data-volunteers/OP-xls
Giving free Optimism transactions to medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data: We are extending OpenGSN to enable 0 Optimism transaction fees for medical volunteers sharing anonymized report data using PyDICOM open source library. Please visit: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/free-OP-transactions-data-volunteers
Tracing Optimism transactions to improve user retention and detect, analyze issues in real-time: We are extending Tenderly to trace optimism transactions in DICOM NFT marketplace. We area also integrating with an open source spreadsheet maintained by us for analytics, visualization, tabulation, organization of the issues: please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/optimism-transaction-trace.
Attestation Hub Contract for Medical Reports: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/OP-attest-medical-reports-hub We are extending the AttestationStation smart contract to develop the Attestation Hub smart contract for Medical Reports
1b. FVM enables us to use composable blocks exposed through standardized interfaces, enabling the construction of picture archiving and medical imaging solutions. This improves better outcomes for drug testing, counseling (https://sites.google.com/view/fevm-med/home?authuser=8 ), precision medicine. Links: https://youtu.be/BUiVvhuUdrE (dapp, security), https://youtu.be/BUiVvhuUdrE (dapp, portal).
Please visit DataDAO for DICOM image and patient metadata in FVM Medicine solution: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/fvm-dicom-data-dao
We are generating NFTs for NFC tags of practice license of TPAs and pharma professionals involved in bulk query and retrieve operation of DICOM images. Please find the repository for NFT generation on FVM for NFC tags of TPAs and pharma professionals at https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/dicom-optimism-marketplace/nfc-tag-nft-fvm
Medical History Journal using IPFS: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/EHRs/ehrs-medical-history-module
FVM Analytics and Developer Tooling for Invoice to Cash automation using Intel oneapi, medical billing and invoicing: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/Quotation-dapp-contract-management/medical-invoice-to-cash-automation-oneapi
Tableland: We are using tableland to develop a notes application and are maintaining it along with dicom file assets. This enables us to make the dicom asset files searchable, sortable and enables us to reuse and repurpose them for user training. Tableland enables us to document the dicom file output files and store the notes in an RDBMS (SQL) type database.
Improving Data Transparency in Drug Testing Using Blockchain Smart Contracts
src/Regulator.sol - the solidity smart contract code for the Regulator contract
src/ClinicalTrial.sol - the solidity code smart contract code for the a Clinical Trial contract
src/start-ethereum-node.sh - script to start a local Ethereum node
src/workflow.js - the main nodejs script that interacts with the blockchain
src/run-workflow.sh - script that will execute the workflow steps
src/read-from-blockchain.sh - script that reads trial data from the blockchain
logs/run-workflow.log - output from running src/run-workflow.sh
logs/read-from-blockchain.log - output from running src/read-from-blockchain.sh
Code is written using Bash and Javascript - you will need to install nodejs:
We use the testrpc npm module in order to reproduce the exact conditions the workflow scripts need to run the tests. It is important that you reset the blockchain every time you run through these steps. In order to reset, just restart the start-ethereum-node.sh script.
The steps needed are as follows:
Run 'npm install' to install all dependencies mentioned in package.json
Install 'testrpc' as a global npm module
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
- Run the script to start a local Ethereum node
- In another terminal, run the script that will execute the workflow steps
This script will:
-Deploy a Regulator smart contract
-Add a CRO/pharma to this contract - in this case Roche
-Upload the trial protocol (data/TrialProtocol.pdf) to IPFS, running locally
-Deploy a Clinical Trial smart contract - in this case for Tamiflu, including the IPFS hash linking to the protocol
-Add 500 subjects to the trial
-Add 5 data points for each subject
- Run the script to read data from the blockchain contracts
............................... blockNumber= 3005
drug name= Tamiflu
ipfs hash= QmTZKpCqqFcUsmXWzffmLkYNCwrYkTvhkAXdquzNWij1z4
number of subjects= 501
patient ident= s0/1985-04-03
patient ident= s1/2006-4-1
data= 44/mg/89/NONE added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 50/mg/68/NAUSEA added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 27/mg/44/HEARTBURN added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 42/mg/33/COMA added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 96/mg/54/HEADACHE added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
patient ident= s2/2007-5-13
data= 10/mg/29/COMA added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 79/mg/44/NAUSEA added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
data= 53/mg/21/HEADACHE added at 2016-10-04T16:14:49+01:00
- Log files for these scripts can be found in logs directory
Signature workflow in Medical Documents using Open Text API: We are building a docusign type workflow for medical documents powered by Vue.js, flask, Open Text API. We are extending the core signature demo workflow solution.Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/dapp_suite/signature-workflow-opentext-api
Contract Approval Workflow Application for CROS and pharma organizations: We are developing a contract approval application for CROS and pharma organizations using OpenText Cloud Platform. We are consuming IM services from the OpenText Cloud Platform and extending the demo example. Please visit: https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/dapp_suite/demo-contract-approval-CROs
OCT SSO workflow: REST service calls required to login to OCP and access information management services (IMS) from OpenText. Please visit https://github.com/aspiringsecurity/EMTTR/tree/main/dapp_suite/OCP-sso-workflow-analytics