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JakeSc edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 17 revisions

Build with the AsqUs platform. Integrate deeply into our network of engaged citizens and attentive representatives.

AsqUs API v0.1

The REST API lets you interact with AsqUs over HTTP. There are many things you can do with the REST API. Applications written in any language can make use of AsqUs data.

API requests

Each request can have optional parameters.


  • version - Default: latest version. It's a good idea to specify the version, as our API will be changing rapidly. The current version is in the title of this page.
  • limit [coming soon] - Integer for the amount of objects received in the response.
  • page [coming soon] - Used for request pagination.


GET /users

  • Auth required: no

GET /users/[user_id]

  • Auth required: no

GET /users/[user_id]/reps

  • Fetch representatives for a given user.
  • Auth required: no


GET /polls

  • Array of all polls
  • Auth required: no
  • Response field votes_per_day: see method /polls/votes_per_day below.

GET /polls/[poll_id]

  • Fetch given poll
  • Auth required: no
  • Response field votes_per_day: see method /polls/votes_per_day below.

GET /polls/[poll_id]/totals

  • Response:

[ { "option": "Yes", "count": 78 }, { "option": "No", "count": 13 } ]

GET /polls/[poll_id]/vote/[option_id]

  • Auth required: yes
  • option_id here is the zero-based ID of the desired vote for the options array of the poll object. To retrieve the options array, first fetch the poll object using /polls or /poll/[poll_id].
  • Response:

[ { count: 73, option: "Yes" }, { count: 13, option: "No" } ]

GET /polls/[poll_id]/votes_per_day

  • Array of Unix epoch timestamp + count pairs, where count is the number of votes on the poll during that day.
  • Auth required: no
  • Response:

[ [1287903600, 79], [1287990000, 25], [1288076400, 61] ]

GET /polls/for_user

  • Auth required: no
  • Required: user_id


Certain resources in the AsqUs API refer to a state_id. Use this these API methods to convert between an AsqUs State ID and its standard name and abbreviation.

GET /states

  • Auth required: no

GET /states/[state_id]

  • Required: state_id, which is the AsqUs ID for a state or province. You can look this up using /states/by_abbreviation.
  • Auth required: no

GET /states/by_abbreviation

  • Required: abbreviation, which is the standard, two-letter postal abbreviation for the state or province.
  • Auth required: no
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