This library extends some original PyBullet environments provided in pybullet_envs.
PyBullet environments are similar to those provided by MuJoCo which are fully compatible with OpenAI Gym, with the difference of being open-source.
Only the following environments are fully supported:
All environments have a camera rendering in
def render
which is wrapped into an OpenAI gym wrapper. -
is proposed here as a new environment, built from the originalTurtebot
implemented in pybullet_robots. It includes a version where one of the walls has a randomly sampled color at each time step. The observation space corresponds to a first-person perspective camera. -
has a new version with a randomly moving ball as a distractor which corresponds to the filereacher_distractor.xml
Clone this repo and have its path added to your PYTHONPATH
environment variable:
cd <installation_path_of_your_choice>
git clone
cd bullet_envs
You can install the dependencies as:
pip install gym==0.17.2
pip install pybullet==2.6.4
pip install opencv-python==
Example to run and visualize ReacherBulletEnv-v0
with a randomly moving ball (distractor=True
), where the observation space is chosen to be the camera:
import gym
"register bullet_envs in gym"
import bullet_envs.__init__
env_name = 'ReacherBulletEnv-v0'
actionRepeat = 1
maxSteps = 50
"OpenAI Gym env creation"
env = gym.make('PybulletEnv-v0', env_name=env_name, renders=True, distractor=True, actionRepeat=actionRepeat,
maxSteps=maxSteps * actionRepeat, image_size=64, display_target=True)
"running env on 5 episodes"
num_ep = 5
for episode in range(num_ep):
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# follow a random policy
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
"get the image observation from the camera"
obs = env.render()
Example to run and visualize TurtlebotMazeEnv-v0
with a randomly sampled wall color (wallDistractor=True
), where the observation space is chosen to be the first-person camera:
import gym
"register bullet_envs in gym"
import bullet_envs.__init__
env_name = 'TurtlebotMazeEnv-v0'
actionRepeat = 1
maxSteps = 100
"OpenAI Gym env creation"
env = gym.make(env_name, renders=True, wallDistractor=True, maxSteps=maxSteps, image_size=64, display_target=True)
"running env on 2 episodes"
num_ep = 2
for episode in range(num_ep):
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# follow a random policy
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
"get the image observation from the camera"
obs = env.render()
See OpenAI Gym for more details on the Python env