Chullo is a PHP client for Fedora built using Guzzle and EasyRdf.
- PHP 5.6+
- Composer
git clone [email protected]:Islandora-CLAW/chullo.git
cd chullo
php composer.phar install
You can also install with composer by pointing to your local clone. Just add these relevant bits to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "/path/to/chullo"
"require": {
"islandora/chullo": "dev-master"
Then just php composer.phar install
as usual.
use Islandora\Chullo\Chullo;
// Instantiated with static factory
$chullo = FedoraApi::create('http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest');
// Create a new resource
$uri = $chullo->createResource(); // http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/0b/0b/6c/68/0b0b6c68-30d8-410c-8a0e-154d0fd4ca20
// Parse resource as an EasyRdf Graph
$graph = $chullo->getGraph($uri);
// Set the resource's title
$graph->set($uri, 'dc:title', 'My Sweet Title');
// Save the graph to Fedora
$chullo->saveGraph($uri, $graph);
Current maintainers:
If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out