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Awesome .NET Core 中文版 Awesome

优秀的[.NET Core](#框架, 程序集, 工具)框架,类库,工具,资源和软件.

这些资源来源于awesome, awesome-dotnet, awesome-nodejs, frontend-dev-bookmarks.

我们非常欢迎贡献者,也接受专利和商业软件.请先查看 贡献指南.

感谢所有的 贡献者, 没有你们的贡献,也不可能做的这么好。我们的目标是建立一个社区来驱动的资源知识库目录。



框架, 程序集, 工具


  • autorest - 一个支持C#和Razor模板的Swagger(OpenAPI)规范的代码生成器,支持C#, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python 和 Ruby语言. 4.5.x or above
  • CondenserDotNet - 一个使用Kestrel和Consul的反向API代理,包括了轻量级的consul的件。
  • Flurl - 一个好用的.NET平台下URL构建器。
  • GraphQL:GraphQL是一个由Facebook开发用于替换RESTful API的查询语言。
  • halcyon -一个ASP.NET 的HAL(Hypertext Application Language)实现。HAL,全称为Hypertext Application Language,它是一种简单的数据格式,它能以一种简单、统一的形式,在API中引入超链接特性,使得API的可发现性(discoverable)更强,并具有自描述的特点。
  • JSON API .NET Core - 一个目标是构建JSON API的框架,兼容api,目的是消除RESTful。
  • LightNode - 基于OWIN的微型RPC/REST框架。
  • NSwag -针对.NET , Web API和TypeScript的Swagger API工具链 for .NET, Web API and 。The Swagger API toolchain for .NET, Web API and TypeScript
  • OData - 开放数据协议(OData)可以创建基于HTTP的数据服务,该服务允许使用统一资源标识符(uris)标识并在抽象数据模型中定义的资源,由Web客户机使用简单的HTTP发布和编辑消息。
  • refit - 自动类型安全的REST库,支持Xamarin and .NET
  • RESTClient .NET - 一个支持所有.NET平台的简单REST客户端。
  • RestEase - 非常容易使用的,类型安全的REST API客户端 ,它简单并且可定制。
  • Swashbuckle - 为web API添加swagger项目.
  • WebAPIContrib for ASP.NET CORE - ASP.NET Core的社区贡献.


  • ABP - ABP是一个通用的应用程序框架,特别为新的现代web应用程序设计。它使用已经熟悉的工具,并实现了最佳实践,从而为您提供了坚实的开发经验。
  • Aeron.NET - 一个高效可靠的UDP单播,UDP组播,IPC消息传输组件,是Aeron客户端的.NET版本.
  • - 一个在.Net和Mono平台上构建高并发、分布式和容错事件驱动应用程序的工具包和运行时。
  • CQRSlite - CQRS和Eventsourcing的轻量级辅助框架。
  • DotNetty - netty的.NETk客户端,事件驱动的异步网络应用程序框架。
  • EmbedIO - 一个支持.NET和.NET Core的小型跨平台基于模块的Web服务器。
  • EventFlow - .NET平台的 Async/await CQRS+ES和DDD(邻域驱动设计)开发框架。
  • ExtCore - 一个基于ASP.NET Core 1.0平台,免费开源和跨平台的创建模块化和可扩展Web应用程序框架。
  • Halibut - 一个在SSL上使用json-rpc的安全通讯组件。
  • grpc - 远程过程调用(Remote Procedure call,rpc)为构建分布式应用程序和服务提供了一个抽象。这个库使用HTTP/2协议提供了gRPC协议的具体实现。这些库可以使用支持的语言组合,在客户端和服务器之间的通信。
  • MassTransit - .NET的分布式应用程序框架.
  • Nancy - 一个.NET和Mono平台,简单轻量级的构建基于HTTP的服务框架。
  • orleans - 可以构建大规模、高并发、分布式应用程序框架,而不需要学习专业分布式以及并发知识框架。
  • protoactor-dotnet -提供.NET和Go语言实现的actors模型.
  • - 这种速度和易用性的ASP.Net Core RESTful风格微服务框架.
  • ServiceStack - 非常成熟,高效的Web服务框架.
  • Steeltoe OSS - .NET常见的微服务模式工具包。


  • ASP.NET Core Boilerplate - 是一个用最佳实践和流行技术开发现代WEB应用程序的新起点,它旨在成为一个通用的WEB应用程序框架和项目模板.
  • ASP.NET-MVC-Template -一个在ASP.NET 5和ASP.NET Core中可以直接使用的项目模板.
  • AddFeatureFolders - 可以在ASP.NET Core使用文件夹层次特性来管理试图和控制器.
  • Angular Visual Studio Webpack Starter - Webpack, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core 和 Angular的模板项目.它可以使得客户端和服务器端应用程序的实现在一个ASP.NET Core工程为中,可以更容易部署。
  • JavaScriptServices - ASP.NET Core JavaScript服务.
  • kendo-ui-core - 一个基于jQuery的HTML5插件,用于构建现代化的web应用程序..
  • QuickApp - ASP.NET Core / Angular4模板,带有完整的登陆,用户和权限管理.
  • Scaffolder - 可以让你创建可扩展性的基于数据驱动的web应用程序,通过给每个表自动生成UI,可以基于数据表结构创建查看和编辑界面.
  • Serenity - Serenity是一个ASP.NET MVC/TypeScript应用平台,旨在基于服务基础架构,简化和缩短以数据为中心的业务应用程序开发与.
  • Toucan - Boilerplate for building single page apps. Server is multi-project .Net Core solution designed around SOLID principles. Client is TypeScript 2, Vuejs 2, Vuex 2.



  • NBitcoin - 。NET框架最全面的比特币程序库。
  • Nethereum - Bringing the love of Ethereum to .NET.


  • NadekoBot - 一个C#编写的通用的开源聊天机器人.


Bundling and Minification

  • BundlerMinifier - 一个Visual Studio扩展,可以用于绑定配置和压缩js,css和html文件.
  • JavaScriptViewEngine - ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine for rendering markup in a JavaScript environment. Ideal for React and Angular server-side rendering.
  • Smidge - Lightweight runtime CSS/JavaScript file minification, combination, compression & management library for ASP.NET Core.
  • Web Markup Minifier - .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code.



  • Blogifier.Core - 一个提供常规博客功能的ASP.NET应用程序.
  • Lynicon - O/S ASP.Net Core/.Net Core CMS with paid for modules: JSON content, works with variety of data stores, c# content types
  • Orchard Core CMS - 开放源代码的内容管理系统,基于ASP.NET Core和一个模块化可扩展的应用框架. built with ASP.NET Core on top of a Modular and Extensible Application Framework.
  • NetCoreCMS - 一个开源的ASP.NET Core 2.0 CMS. 支持MySQL,计划支持MSSQL, SQLite和PostgreSQL.同时它也是一个模块化的CMD,支持主题,皮肤,自定义布局,插件,多语言. Also it is a modular CMS supports theme, skin, custom layout, widgets, multiple language (En, BN).
  • Platformus - 免费开放源代码和跨平台的CMS.基于ASP.NET Core 1.0和ExeCor框架的.Free, open source and cross-platform CMS based on ASP.NET Core 1.0 and ExtCore framework.
  • SimpleContent -一个基于ASP.NET Core的简单灵活的内容和博客引擎.
  • Squidex - 一个基于MongoDB/CQRS/EventSourcing的CMS系统.
  • Weapsy - 基于DDD和CQRS的开源ASP.NET Core的CMS,支持MSSQL/MySQL/SQLite/PostgreSQL.


  • App.Metrics - App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application and reports it's health. See the docs for me details.
  • AspNet.Metrics - Capturing CLR, application-level web request metrics. Middleware and extensions using Metrics.Net.
  • Audit.NET - 审计.NET对象变化的小框架.
  • BenchmarkDotNet - 强大的.NET测试组件.支持.NET Core,Mono和.NET Framework.
  • Foundatio -一些常见的基础模块实现,包括程序集内存,Redis,StatSD和Metrics.NET.
  • MiniCover - .NET Core下非常简洁的代码覆盖检测工具.
  • NBench - 。NET应用程序的性能基础测试和测试框架.
  • OpenCover - 代码覆盖检查工具,仅支持.NET 2和以上(windows).
  • RefactoringEssentials - Visual Studio重构工具.


  • lz4net -.NET平台超快速的压缩算法.
  • sharpcompress - 支持多种压缩类型和格式的纯C#托管类库.

编译, Transpilers and Languages

  • roslyn - The .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs.
  • Sprache - Tiny C# Monadic Parser Framework.


  • BCrypt.NET-Core - BCrypt.NET的.NET Core版本,用于安全的存储密码.
  • BouncyCastle PCL - The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a C# implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols.


  • DBreeze - C# .NET MONO NOSQL (key value store embedded) ACID multi-paradigm database management system.
  • JsonFlatFileDataStore - Simple JSON flat file data store with support for typed and dynamic data.
  • LiteDB - 一个.NET平台下的NoSQL文档数据库-
  • NoDb - .NET Core/ASP.NET平台下的"no database"文件存储系统, 因为不是每一个项目都需要一个数据库. because not every project needs a database.
  • marten - Postgresql as a Document Database and Event Store for .NET Applications
  • yessql - 和其他所有关系型数据库兼容的.NET文档数据库. document database working on any RDBMS.


  • cassandra-csharp-driver - DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra.
  • confluent-kafka-dotnet - Confluent's Apache Kafka的 .NET客户端.
  • couchbase-lite-net - 一个.NET平台轻量级的可扩展的文档数据库引擎.A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET.
  • MongoDB.Driver - MongoDB的.NET驱动.
  • MySQL
    • mysql-connector-net - 一个mysql的纯托管ADO.NET驱动.Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL.
    • MySqlConnector - Async MySQL Connector for .NET and .NET Core.
  • Neo4j
  • npgsql - PostgreSQL的.NET驱动. It allows any program developed for .NET framework to access a PostgreSQL database server. It is implemented in 100% C# code. PostgreSQL versions since 9.1 are officially supported, others may work.
  • ravendb -.NET平台的文档数据库,支持linq.
  • RethinkDb.Driver - RethinkDB的C#/.NET驱动,100%覆盖ReQL API.
  • progaudi.tarantool -Tarantool NoSql 数据库的.NET客户端.


  • DbUp - .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date.
  • NReco.PivotData - 内存数据立方体,支持OLAP操作和透视表数据模型.



  • Foundatio - 可插入基础模块,构建分布式应用程序框架.


  • SimplCommerce - 基于.NET Core的超级简单的电子商务系统.
  • Stripe REST APIs的.NET客户端.



  • CSharpFunctionalExtensions - C#函数式编程的扩展.
  • FsCheck - .NET下的随机数测试.
  • Giraffe - A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.
  • language-ext - C# functional language extensions and 'Erlang like' concurrency system.
  • LaYumba.Functional - Utility library for programming functionally in C#.
  • NetMQ.ReactiveExtensions - Effortlessly send messages anywhere on the network using Reactive Extensions (RX). Transport protocol is ZeroMQ.
  • Optional - C#中一个更健壮的Option类型,是一种替代null值的强类型.
  • reactive-streams-dotnet - Reactive Streams for .NET.
  • ReactiveUI - A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfaces that run on any mobile or desktop platform.
  • Rx.NET - The Reactive Extensions for .NET.
  • Qactive - Reactive查询观察框架. 4.x.x or above
  • sodium - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)编程类库. 4.x.x or above



  • Avalonia - 一个支持多平台的.NET UI框架.(以前叫Perspex)A multi-platform .NET UI framework (formerly known as ).
  • AvaloniaEdit - The Avalonia-based text editor component forked from AvalonEdit
  • WinApi - A simple, direct, ultra-thin CLR library for high-performance Win32 Native Interop with automation, windowing, DirectX, OpenGL and Skia helpers.


  • Mono - MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It also makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and Mac OS X maintaining a single code base for all platforms.
  • rider - 基于IntelliJ平台和ReSharper的跨平台C# IDE.
  • Omnisharp - Family of Open Source projects, each with one goal: To enable a great .NET experience in YOUR editor of choice.
  • SharpDevelop - SharpDevelop是一个微软.NET平台免费的集成开发环境(IDE),支持C#, VB.NET, Boo, IronPython, IronRuby 和 F# 项目.It is written (almost) entirely in C#, and comes with features you would expect in an IDE plus a few more.
  • Visual Studio Code - New type of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle. Code provides comprehensive editing and debugging support, an extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing tools.
  • Visual Studio Community - 为个人开发者,开源项目,学术研究,教育,小型专业团队准备的免费编辑器.


  • Localization - for ASP.NET Core应用程序本地化的抽象和实现.


  • AutoDI - Super-fast compile-time dependency injection using IL weaving.
  • Autofac - Addictive .NET IoC container.
  • Castle.Windsor Castle Windsor is a best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET.
  • DryIoc - .NET平台快速,小巧,功能齐全的Ioc容器组件.
  • LightInject - Ultra lightweight IoC container
  • SimpleInjector - Easy, flexible, and fast Dependency Injection library that promotes best practice to steer developers towards the pit of success.
  • Stashbox - A lightweight, portable dependency injection framework for .NET based solutions.
  • StructureMap - Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control tool for .NET.


  • common-logging - .NET平台轻便型日志组件抽象.Portable logging abstraction for .NET
  • dnxcore-logging-logstash - Logstash logging extension for .NET Core applications with UDP and Redis transports.
  • Exceptionless - Exceptionless的.NET客户端.
  • Foundatio - A fluent logging api that can be used to log messages throughout your application.
  • LibLog - Single file for you to either copy/paste or install via nuget, into your library/ framework/ application to provide a logging abstraction.
  • log4net - log4net is a port of the excellent Apache log4j™ framework to the Microsoft® .NET runtime.
  • NLog - 一个高级的.NET, Silverlight和Xamarin平台的日志组件.
  • Q42.Logging.ApplicationInsights - Log appender for the build in ASP.NET Core logging to send all logs to Application Insights.
  • serilog - 一个简单的.NET日志工具.


  • Accord - .NET平台机器学习,计算机视觉,统计和数值计算科学的类库.
  • Spreads - Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams.


  • MailBody - Create transactional email with a fluent interface (.NET).
  • MailKit - 一个跨平台的.NET 邮件类库,支持IMAP, POP3和SMTP.
  • MailMergeLib - SMTP mail client library which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities for text, inline images and attachments, as well as good throughput and fault tolerance for sending mail messages.
  • MimeKit - 跨平台 .NET MIME creation and parser library with support for S/MIME, PGP, DKIM, TNEF and Unix mbox spools.
  • PreMailer.Net - C# library that moves your stylesheets to inline style attributes, for maximum compatibility with E-mail clients.
  • SendGrid Client - C# library for the SendGrid v3 mail endpoint.
  • StrongGrid - Client for SendGrid's v3 API. Not only allows you to send emails, but also allows you to bulk import contacts, manage lists and segments, create custom fields for your lists, etc. Also includes a parser for SendGrid Webhooks.


  • UnitConversion - Expansible Unit Conversion Library for .NET Core and .NET Framework.


  • AngleSharp - The ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, MathML, SVG and CSS to construct a DOM based on the official W3C specification. Comparable to beautifulsoup4 of python.
  • aspnetcore-health - Enables load balancers to monitor the status of deployed Web applications.
  • AutoMapper - Convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.
  • Castle.Core - Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
  • Chessie - Railway-oriented programming for .NET
  • CommonMark.NET - The implementation of CommonMark specification in C# for converting Markdown documents to HTML.
  • ConsoleTableExt - Fluent library to create table for .NET console application.
  • datatables - Microsoft ASP.NET server-side support and helpers for jQuery DataTables.
  • Enums.NET - Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
  • FluentFTP - FTP and FTPS client, with extensive FTP commands, SSL/TLS connections, hashing/checksums and more.
  • HdrHistogram.NET - High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram.
  • httpclient-interception - .NET Standard library for intercepting server-side HTTP dependencies.
  • Humanizer - Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
  • LibSass Host - .NET wrapper around the libSass library with the ability to support a virtual file system.
  • markdig - Fast, powerfull, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET.
  • NReco.LambdaParser - Parses string expressions (formulas, methods calls, conditions) to LINQ expression tree that can be compiled to lambda and evaluated.
  • Ocelot - 使用.NET Core创建的APT网关.
  • readline - Pure C# GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core.
  • reCAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA 2.0 for ASP.NET Core.
  • Relinq - With re-linq, it's now easier than ever to create full-featured LINQ providers.
  • ReverseMarkdown - Html到Markdown转换器组件.
  • PdfReport.Core - PdfReport.Core是一个Code First的报表引擎,它基于iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core 和 EPPlus.Core程序集来创建.
  • Polly - .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library that allows developers to express transient exception and fault handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker in a fluent manner.
  • Scientist - .NET library for carefully refactoring critical paths. It's a port of GitHub's Ruby Scientist library.
  • Scrutor -Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection的程序集扫描扩展工具.
  • SmartFormat.NET - string.Format的一个扩展替换程序集.
  • Stocks
    • Trady - Handy library for computing technical indicators, and it targets to be an automated trading system that provides stock data feeding, indicator computing, strategy building and automatic trading.
  • System.Linq.Dynamic.Core - The .NET Standard (.NET Core) version from the System Linq Dynamic functionality.
  • Validation
    • FluentValidation - .NET平台小型对象验证组件,它使用非常流畅的接口和lambda表达式来创建验证规则.
    • Valit - A dead simple validation for .NET Core. No more if-statements all around your code. Write nice and clean fluent validators instead!
  • warden-stack - "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch.


  • CurlThin - Lightweight cURL binding library for C# with support for multiple simultaneous transfers through curl_multi interface.
  • NETStandard.HttpListener - HttpListener for .NET Core (NETStandard).


  • Entity Framework Core - Familiar developer experience to previous versions of EF, including LINQ, POCO, and Code First support.
    • EntityFramework-Plus - Entity Framework Utilities | Bulk Operations | Batch Delete | Batch Update | Query Cache | Query Filter | Query Future | Query Include | Audit.
    • LINQKit - A free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users.
    • Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql - Entity Framework Core provider for MySql built on top of mysql-net/MySqlConnector.
  • Dapper - .NET平台简单的对象映射工具.
  • Limebean - Hybrid-ORM, designed to be simple to use and not totally hide SQL, while having all the nice things you expect from an ORM. Inspired by RedBeanPHP.
  • LINQ to DB (linq2db) - The fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, lightweight, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database for more than 10 database engines with full SQL support.
  • NEventStore - Persistence library used to abstract different storage implementations when using event sourcing as storage mechanism. This library is developed with a specific focus on DDD/CQRS applications.
  • NPoco - Simple microORM that maps the results of a query onto a POCO object. Project based on Schotime's branch of PetaPoco.
  • NReco.Data - Lightweight provider-independent DAL for SQL commands generation, CRUD operations and simple POCO mapping.
  • ServiceStack.OrmLite - Light, simple and fast convention-based POCO ORM.
  • SqlFu - Fast and versatile Micro-ORM.
  • SQLStreamStore - Stream Store library targeting SQL based implementations for .NET.


  • Glimpse - .NET平台下,开源轻量级的实时诊断分析器.
  • MiniProfiler - 一个简单高效的ASP.NET网站分析器.
  • roslyn-analyzers - Number of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs.

Query Builders

  • SqlKata - 优雅的Sql查询生成器,支持复杂查询、连接、子查询,嵌套条件等等.


  • emitter - 一个免费开源的实时详细服务,可以连接所有设备的,它的消息分发订阅API是基于速度和安全性设计的.
  • EventStore - 开源的功能数据库,支持在JavaScript中的复杂事件处理.
  • Foundatio - A common interface with in memory, redis and azure implementations.
  • MediatR - 一个简单没有其他依赖的消息处理组件.
  • MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection - MediatR extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
  • Mediator.Net -.Net平台简单直接的消息组件实现,支持发送命令,发布事件和请求响应.
  • MicroBus - Simple in process mediator for .NET.
  • netmq -ZeroMQ在.NET平台的C#实现, 100% 原生C#代码.
  • rabbitmq-dotnet-client - RabbitMQ .NET client
  • RawRabbit - Modern .NET framework for communication over RabbitMq.
  • Rebus - Simple and lean service bus implementation for .NET.
  • Restbus - RabbitMq的消息组件.
  • Tossit - Simple, easy to use library for distributed job/worker logic. Distributed messages handled by built in RabbitMQ implementation.




  • HtmlSanitizer - 纯净的HTML避免XSS攻击.
  • jose-jwt - 处理JOSE对象的类库.() Library for processing JOSE objects (JWT, JWA, JWS and related).
  • NWebsec - Security libraries for ASP.NET
  • roslyn-security-guard - Roslyn analyzers that aim to help security audit on .NET applications.
  • OwaspHeaders - .NET Core middleware for injecting the Owasp recommended HTTP Headers for increased security.
  • Security - Middleware for security and authorization of web apps.


  • AutoComplete - Persistent, simple, powerful and portable autocomplete library.
  • Elasticsearch.Net & NEST - Repository for both NEST and Elasticsearch.NET, the two official elasticsearch .NET clients.
  • ElasticsearchCRUD - Elasticsearch .NET API.
  • SimMetrics.Net - A Similarity Metric Library, e.g. from edit distance's (Levenshtein, Gotoh, Jaro etc) to other metrics, (e.g Soundex, Chapman)
  • SolrExpress - 一个支持Solr的轻量级.NET查询组件.


  • bond - Cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.
  • Channels - Push based .NET Streams.
  • CsvHelper - 读写CSV文件的程序集.
  • Edi.Net - EDI 序列化/反序列化. 支持 EDIFact, X12 and TRADACOMS 格式.
  • ExtendedXmlSerializer - .NET平台,扩展的XML序列化的组件.
  • Jil - 基于Sigil的.NET平台快速 JSON 序列化/反序列化的组件.
  • msgpack-cli - MessagePack的CLI实现
  • Newtonsoft.Json - .NET平台广泛使用的高性能JSON框架.
  • protobuf-net - Protocol Buffers library for idiomatic .NET.
  • Schema.NET - objects turned into strongly typed C# POCO classes for use in .NET. All classes can be serialized into JSON/JSON-LD and XML, typically used to represent structured data in the head section of html page.
  • ServiceStack.Text - JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers.
  • TinyCsvParser - Easy to use, easy to extend and high-performance library for CSV parsing with .NET.
  • Wire - POCO对象的二进制序列化.
  • YamlDotNet - .NET
  • ZeroFormatter - .NET平台快速二进制序列化/反序列化组件.
  • YAXLib - XML Serialization Library for the .NET Framework and .NET Core. Extremely flexible and powerful.


  • Bogus - Simple and sane fake data generator for C#. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
  • GenFu - Library you can use to generate realistic test data.
  • FakeItEasy - The easy mocking library for .NET.
  • FluentAssertions - Set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test.
  • moq.netcore - Most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET.
  • MSpec - Popular testing framework for writing BDD-style tests.
  • MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc - ASP.NET Core MVC测试框架.
  • Netling - 负载测试客户机,web测试中简单易用的负载测试.
  • NSpec - Battle hardened testing framework for C# that's heavily inspired by Mocha and RSpec.
  • NSubstitute - A friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks.
  • nunit - NUnit test runner for .NET Core.
  • shouldly - Should testing for .NET - the way Asserting Should be!
  • SpecFlow - Pragmatic BDD solution for .NET. It uses the Gherkin specification language and integrates to Visual Studio.
  • Storyteller - Executable Specifications for .NET
  • Stubbery -.NET平台下创建和运行API stubs的简单组件.
  • TestStack.BDDfy - 简单的BDD(行为驱动开发)框架.
  • - An extension for describing your tests using natural language.
  • - .NET框架下免费,开源的单元测试工具,得到了社区的高度关注.


  • CatLight - Status notifier for developers that monitors builds and tasks in the project. Built using .Net Core and Electron.
  • CommandLineUtils - Command line parsing and utilities for .NET Core and .NET Framework.
  • docfx - Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
  • dotnetfiddle - .NET sandbox for developers to quickly try out code and share code snippets.
  • EntryPoint - Composable CLI (Command Line) Argument Parser for .Net Core & .Net Framework 4.5+.
  • Fake JSON Server - Fake REST API for prototyping or as a CRUD Back End. No need to define types, uses dynamic typing. Data is stored to a single JSON file. Has authentication, WebSocket notifications, async long running operations, random generation for errors/delays and experimental GraphQL support.
  • - 在项目中创建.gitignore文件工具
  • GitInfo - 从MSBuild, C# 和 VB中检索Git和Semver系统信息.
  • ICanHasDotnetCore - 扫描上传packages.config文件,GitHub仓库,来匹配nuget包是否支持.NET Standard
  • json2csharp -从JSON中生成C#类.
  • letsencrypt-win-simple - 一个Windows下简单的 ACME 客户端.
  • NuGetPackageExplorer -使用GUI界面来创建,更新和部署Nuget包.
  • OctoLinker - Navigate through projects.json files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub.
  • Opserver - Stack Exchange's监控系统.
  • ShareX - 一个免费开源程序,允许您捕获或记录屏幕的任意区域,并一键分享.它允许上传图像、文本或其他类型的文件,也支持80多个源地址可以选择.
  • X.Web.Sitemap – 一个.NET平台下,支持.NET Core的简单网站地图生成器.
  • X.Web.RSS – 一个.NET平台下,支持.NET Core的Rss Feed生成器.


Web Socket


  • dotnet-win32-service - 从 .NET Core中直接安装和运行windows服务.
  • Topshelf - Easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET. 4.5.x or above


  • CoreWF - .NET Core中Window工作流部分.
  • workflow-core - .NET Standard平台的轻量级工作流引擎.


  • Arch - The collection of .NET Core libraries that are created by software architects who embrace all the new stuff in .NET Core.
  • AspNetCore-Angular2-Universal - Cross-platform - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization (ngx-translate), Webpack, TypeScript, unit testing w/ Karma, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more!
  • ASP.NET Core Starter Kit - Opinionated boilerplate for web development based on .NET Core, Kestrel, GraphQL on the backend and Babel, Webpack, React and Redux on the frontend. This boilerplate comes in both C# and F# flavors.
  • ASP.NET Boilerplate - ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools. It's aimed to be a SOLID model, a general-purpose application framework and a project template. 4.5.x or above
  • aspnetcore-spa generator - Yeoman generator to build a brand-new ASP.NET Core single page application that uses Angular 2 / React / React With Redux / Knockout / Aurelia on the client.
  • ASP.Net Core Vue Starter - Asp.NETCore 2.0 Vue 2 (ES6) SPA Starter kit, contains routing, Vuex, and more!.
  • bitwarden-core - The core infrastructure backend (API, database, etc)
  • dotNetify - 一个简单,轻量级,并且强大的构建实时HTML5/C#.NET web应用的框架.
  • generator-aspnet - yo generator for ASP.NET Core.
  • react-aspnet-boilerplate - Starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core 1, leveraging existing techniques.
  • saaskit - 构建Saas应用程序的开发者工具包.









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