MailBody is a library for generating transactional email by using a fluent interface.
The current mail template is based on (MIT License 2013 Lee Munroe)
- .net standard 2.0 (so, both .net core and .net framework)
To get the latest version:
Install-Package MailBody
If you want to create email with the MailBody library while having a live preview, you can use the MailBody Editor
var body = MailBody
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.")
.Paragraph("We may need to send you critical information about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.")
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
Dim body As String = MailBody.CreateBody() _
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.") _
.Paragraph("We may need to send you critical information about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.") _
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address") _
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]") _
var appName = "My app";
var body = MailBody
.Paragraph("You're receiving this email because someone requested a password reset for your user account at " + appName + ".")
.Button("", "Reset password")
.Paragraph("Thanks for using " + appName + "!")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
var products = new string[] { "1 x Product A", "2 x Product B", "3 x Product C" };
// Format product display.
var items = products.Select(item => MailBody.CreateBlock().Text(item));
var body = MailBody
.Title("Confirmation of your order")
.Paragraph("We confirm having received your order.")
.Paragraph("Here is the list of ordered items:")
.Paragraph("Thank you for ordering from us!")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
var productName = "ABC";
var productStatus = "available";
var productDescription = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis nisl ut tellus egestas facilisis. Nulla eget erat dictum, facilisis libero sit amet, sollicitudin tortor. Morbi iaculis, urna eu tincidunt dapibus, sapien ex dictum nibh, non congue urna tellus vitae risus.";
var components = new string[] { "Part A", "Part B" };
// Format product display.
var items = components.Select(item => MailBody.CreateBlock().Text(item));
var body = MailBody
.Paragraph("The product " + productName + " is now " + productStatus + ".")
.SubTitle("Here is the product summary:")
.StrongText("Product name: ").Text(productName))
.StrongText("Description: ").Text(productDescription))
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
var footer = MailBody
.Text("Follow ")
.Link("", "@Example")
.Text(" on Twitter.");
var body = MailBody
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.")
.Paragraph("We may need to send you critical information about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.")
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
Please note You can use CID Embedded Images, Base64 Encoding or use absolute url. Image may not appear on all email client. So, make sure to do some tests.
var body = MailBody
.Image("", "My company name")
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.")
.Paragraph("We may need to send you critical information about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.")
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
var template = MailBodyTemplate.GetDefaultTemplate();
.Paragraph(m => "<p style='" +
(m.TryGetAttribute("color", out string color) ? $"color:{color};" : string.Empty) +
(m.TryGetAttribute("backgroundColor", out string backgroundColor) ? $"background-color:{backgroundColor};" : string.Empty) +
.Body(m => "<html><body>" + m.Content + "<br />" + m.Footer + "</body></html>")
.Text(m =>
"<span style='" + (m.HasAttribute("color") ? $"color:{m.GetAttribute("color")};" : string.Empty) +
(m.HasAttribute("backgroundColor") ? $"background-color:{m.GetAttribute("backgroundColor")};" : string.Empty) +
(m.HasAttribute("fontWeight") ? $"font-weight:{m.GetAttribute("fontWeight")};" : string.Empty) +
var footer = MailBody
.Text("Follow ", new { color = "red"})
.Link("", "@Example")
.Text(" on Twitter.", new { color = "#009900", backgroundColor = "#CCCCCC", fontWeight = "bold" });
var body = MailBody
.CreateBody(template, footer)
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.")
.Raw("<p>We may need to send you <strong>critical information</strong> about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.</p>")
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]", new { color = "white", backgroundColor = "black" })
var body = MailBody.CreateBody();
.Paragraph("First paragraph..");
// Your code
body.Button("", "First button");
body.Paragraph("Another paragraph..");
// Your code
body.Button("", "Second button")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]");
var htmlBody = body.ToString();
This example is based on Postmark templates.
var template = MailBodyTemplate.GetDefaultTemplate()
.Paragraph(m => $"<p style='font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; Margin-bottom: 15px;'>{m.Content}</p>")
.Link(m => $"<a href='{m.Link}'>{m.Content}</a>")
.Title(m => $"<h1>{m.Content}</h1>")
.SubTitle(m => $"<h2>{m.Content}</h2>")
.Text(m => $"{m.Content}")
.StrongText(m => $"<strong>{m.Content}</strong>")
.UnorderedList(m => $"<ul>{m.Content}</ul>")
.OrderedList(m => $"<ol>{m.Content}</ol>")
.ListItem(m => $"<li>{m.Content}</li>")
.LineBreak(m => $"</br>")
.Button(m => @"<table class='body-action' align='center' width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td align='center'>
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<td align='center'>
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<a href='" + m.Link + @"' class='button button--' target='_blank'>" + m.Content + @"</a>
.Block(m => m.Content)
.Body(m => @"<html>... (see the examples for the complete source) ...</html>");
var body = MailBody
.Paragraph("Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below.")
.Paragraph("We may need to send you critical information about our service and it is important that we have an accurate email address.")
.Button("", "Confirm Email Address")
.Paragraph("— [Insert company name here]")
Code released under the MIT license.