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- The ones shown in this video:
- Either use this modified GxEPD Library:
- or use the "EinkSD_1.54_2.9_4.2_Standalone_Library_HINK" Arduino code to drive them
- To use it with Arduino and GxEPD2 copy the modded library into your Arduino library folder and open the GxEPD2_Example and uncomment the GxEPD2_1160c display, its under ESP32 section, if you want to use it with a different Arduino you need to copy it or edit it for that one / pinout
- This one is directly compatible with the GxEPD2 library.
- To modify the stock pcb take a look at my video manual:
- Use the ESP32 Demo code in the folder "Imagotag_G1_4.4_BWR/BWR_4.4_Arduino_ESP32", The Adafruit GFX Library is needed for it to compile
- To modify the stock pcb take a look at my video manual and the image in the folder "Imagotag_G1_4.4_BWR" :
- Use this Repository to flash a custom Firmware on the Hanshow Stellar ESL :
- A demo Video about it can be found here :
- This one should be compatible with the GxEPD2 library but is not tested, it is recomendet to Hack the stock PCB by adding a USB connector and a 5V bodge wire and reflash the MZ100 SOC to enable USB
To use it with Arduino and GxEPD2 copy the modded library into your Arduino library folder and open the GxEPD2_Example and uncomment the GxEPD2_750c_F19 display, its under ESP32 section, if you want to use it with a different Arduino you need to copy it or edit it for that one / pinout
Here is a good manual on soldering the needed wires
To use the Stock PCB you can use the SDCC Example and compile your own code via the Combile.bat file in windows, currently it simply refreshes the display but its working. can be flashed via the CC-Debugger or another compatible programmer.
Update full custom firmware,
To use the display with stock firmware and stock pcb you can use the ESP32 AccessPoint Emulator from the folder Custom_PriceTag_AccesPoint You need these two librarys: And Also a CC1101 868mhz! Module is needed, make shure to get a real 868mhz version, some seller write 868 when its an 433 module, the ebyte E07-868 module is proven to give good results
A Youtube livestream with a long walktrough and overal explanation is available here: