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Astronomy sky charts browsing application




This application allows to view sky maps using a Web browser:

Full view screenshot

It provides various possibilities for showing different layers and changing graphical appearance:

demo screenshot 3 demo screenshot 4

It is written in Angular/TypeScript and should work in any modern Web browser.

What is This Thing for?

It was implemented just for fun, by an amateur astronomer. But it can be used to visualize sky charts for whatever purpose you want, and extended by adding more visualizable objects.

The application has been designed keeping in mind to make it flexible and provide a possibility for different further usages. For example, we can imagine it to be extended and reused in:

  • applications for educational purposes, in astronomy.
  • queezes and interactive tests.
  • helper UI tool for astronomical catalogues or presentations.
  • any other usage you can imagine it for :)

The User Interface

You can navigate in the map by dragging it with the mouse or by using UI controls. The layers visibility can be toggled and the field of view in the viewport adjusted for your needs, using the UI control buttons.

Main Viewport

The main viewport is interactive:

  • dragging with the mouse allows to navigate in all directions of the view.
  • a double click in the view aligns it on the North or South axis to the top, depending on the hemisphere where the view is centered.

Control Panel / Tools

The UI controls sidebar is toggled by clicking the tools button at the top left corner of the view:

UI controls

All elements of the UI controls have tool tips. All their functionalities can be summarized as follows:

  • Theme drop-down: selection of graphical theme for the main view.

  • Go To selection: type an object code ('lyr'), name ('Sirius') or sky coordinate in decimal degrees ('185 -60') to center the view on your point of interest.

  • Objects selection: toggle the display of available layers and their properties.

    • for the Solar system, the current location of the Sun, the Moon and the planets are shown. The dashed lines trace their apparent trajectories: the full orbital circles for the Sun and for the Moon; 7 next days path for Mercury and Venus; 14 next days path for Mars and 30 next days path for the other outer planets.
    • the stars can be filtered by magnitude (< 2 to 6). Either proper ('Antares', 'Deneb'...) or standard/Bayer ('α', 'β', 'γ'...) names can be shown.
    • the names of the Messier objects can be toggled.
    • for the constellations: the boundaries, the lines and the names can be toggled.
  • View properties:

    • Field of view (FOV) controls: select the angular size of the view and press the "Change FOV" button to update it.
    • Navigation buttons: they allow to change the view by the angular size in the FOV control.
      • first row: rotate clockwise, go up, rotate counter-clockwise buttons.
      • second row: go left, down or right buttons.
    • Viewport size controls: select the width and the height of the viewport.


Recommended Environment


The Visual Studio Code IDE is recommended.

The following VSC extensions are also recommended:

  • EditorConfig for VS Code (v.0.12.4+), uses the ./.editorconfig file.
  • ESLint (v2.1+), with the default configuration.

Back-End & Tools

For the tools/data processing part, any IDE supporting Java+Maven projects may be used. However, IntelliJ IDEA CE was used for the development.

Currently, the application does not have a specific back-end part. All the served resources are static and they are generated using the ./tools/data-import sub-project.

NPM Commands and Tasks


NodeJS v5.6.0+ must be installed in order to lauch the application in development mode.


The following commands runnable with npm {command} or npm run {command} are defined in package.json:

  • clean: removes the contents of the current dist directory, supposed to contain the last production build files.
  • start: executes a build in development mode and launches the server on http://localhost:4200.
  • build:dev: executes a build in the development mode, without starting the server.
  • build:prod: cleans the current distribution files and executes a build in the production mode. The resulting files are placed in the ./dist folder.
  • test: executes the unit tests.
  • lint: executes linting checks.

Quickstart after cloning the source repository:

  • npm install to retrieve all the necessary dependencies.
  • npm start command should launch the application at http://localhost:4200.

The commands above should work equally from the VSC integrated terminals or from any terminal/CLI tools.

Production Build

When the command build:prod is issued, the build sequence adds a prefix to the URLs handled by the application. This is done by passing --base-href /astrocadre --deploy-url /astrocadre/ args to ng build --prod command in package.json.

All the paths to the assets are also processed by using environment.pathInContext function (from environments/environment[.prod].ts), which appends the prefix depending on the build target.

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

 |- /dist              // distribution files for production deployment
 |- /doc               // additional documentation
 |- /src               // the source code and related files
 |   |- /app           // main and test source code files
 |   |- /assets        // static resources served by the back-end of the app
 |   |- /environments  // environment configuration files
 |   |- /raw           // raw source files for assets, excluded from dist
 |   |- main.ts        // main entry point of the application
 |   |- test.ts        // test entry point of the application
 |- /tools
 |   |- /data-import   // static resources generation utility
 |   |   |-  // documentation for the tools
 |- LICENSE            // license file
 |-          // this README file
 |- {other configuration files}

./tools/data-import contains a Maven project written in Java, allowing to generate static resource JSON files with stellar and other data used in the application. The generated files are placed into ./src/assets folder and then included into the distribution. For more information about how to generate the static resources and their format, please check the respective file in ./tools/data-import.


The graphic properties of the application can be configured by providing a few JSON files placed in /src/assets/themes.


The themes allow to switch easily between different sets of graphical representation. For example, the following series of images contain exactly the same view, rendered with various themes.

  1. Sky Chart theme:

Sky chart theme screenshot

  1. Wikipedia theme:

Wikipedia theme screenshot

  1. Night View theme:

Night view theme screenshot

  1. Tiny theme:

Tiny theme screenshot

Theme Metadata

All available graphic themes are described in the src/assets/themes/themes.json file. To add a new theme definition, the following structure should be appended to the JSON array:

  "code": "theme-code",         // mandatory, should be alphanumeric, without spaces.
  "label": "Theme label",       // optinal, the label to show in the UI controls.
  "description": "description", // optional description shown in the UI controls.

To remove an existing theme, simply delete the respective JSON object from the array.

The first item of the array is the theme loaded by default when the application starts.

Theme Properties Definition

For each theme declared in the themes.json file, a corresponding configuration file must exist in the same folder. The name of the file must be {code}.json, where {code} is the value used as the code property in themes.json. For example, for the theme metadata definition above, there must be a file named theme-code.json.

The theme configuration file should respect the following structure (cf src/app/modules/core/models/theme/theme.ts):

  "code": "string",                       // redundant with respective "code" value from themes.json
  "background": BackgroundStyle;
  "layers": Array<LayerStyle>;            // an extension of the LayerStyle interface is expected 
                                          // in each layer module in the models/theme folder.

For more details on the configuration, please check the documentation in the *-style.ts files in the models/theme folders of each layer module.

Release History

This project started in April 2018 and an initial prototype was published in June 2018 (version 18.6).

After having acquired more experience in the front-end development with Angular and TypeScript, the author started a huge refactoring & update of the project in February 2021. It allowed to publish a much cleaner and improved version of the application in April 2021 (version 21.4).

More details on the evolution of the project are available in the changelog and in the follow-up documentation.


The most recent validated version of the project is available on the master branch.

The development branches should be prefixed with dev-. When a feature is implemented on its dev branch, a pull request should be created in order to review and merge it.


This software is distributed under MIT license conditions.

Please check more details in LICENSE file.

(c) 2018 - 2021 Anton Telechev