Use continutations for deboucing!
import Debounce
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time exposing (millisToPosix)
type Msg
= PingFoo
| PungFoo
| DebouncerMsg (Debounce.Msg Msg)
type alias Model =
{ something : Foo
, myDebouncer : Debounce.Model Msg
init : Model
init =
{ something = initFoo
, myDebouncer = Debounce.init
mkCmd : a -> Cmd a
mkCmd = Task.perform (Debug.crash << toString) identity << Task.succeed
update : Msg
-> Model
-> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update action model =
case action of
PingFoo -> model ! [mkCmd <| DebouncerMsg <| Debounce.Bounce <| mkCmd PungFoo]
PungFoo -> pang model ! [] -- the past tense of ping or something
DebouncerMsg a ->
let (newDebouncer, eff) = updateDebouncer
(millisToPosix 500)
in { model | myDebouncer = newDebouncer }
! [ (\r -> case r of
Err a' -> DebouncerMsg a'
Ok a' -> a') eff ]