This project is part of the LP2 course's 2nd assignment for the 3rd year of the Informatics program, taught by Professor Alisson Rodrigo dos Santos. The objective is to develop a Bomberman game using the LibGDX framework, incorporating various features and following the specified requirements.
- Polymorphism: Design your program before starting the implementation phase.
- Avoid Global Variables: Create efficient data structures that can be passed to functions when needed. Classes can have data and functions, but they can also have only data. If global variables are necessary, consider using the Singleton design pattern.
- Use Meaningful Names: Choose descriptive names for variables and functions, avoiding abbreviations.
- Utilize LibGDX Libraries: Make use of the LibGDX libraries for handling images, text, and sound.
- Utilize LibGDX Animation Structure: Take advantage of the built-in animation structure provided by LibGDX for creating animated sprites.
- Interactive Characters: Create a set of characters (enemies, objects, stones, trees) that interact with the player. Organize this set using suitable collection data structures from the Java Collections Framework.
- Game Progression: Implement a game structure that includes multiple levels, gradual progression of gameplay, or evolving enemies.
- Team Collaboration: Organize your team by sharing development and documentation through GitHub. Include the professor as a collaborator. (Optional - 1 extra point, up to the maximum limit for the assignment).
Example of game that i'll aim develop: