fluentd docker image with ruby 2.2.x and support for both elasticsearch and kinesis
Create a fluentd.conf
file following fluentd's configuration file
format. Add any input that you wish to and add the kinesis output
(see example file in this repository).
The following plugins are installed in the docker image:
- fluent-plugin-ec2-metadata
- fluent-plugin-hostname
- fluent-plugin-retag
- fluent-plugin-kinesis
- fluent-plugin-kinesis-aggregation
- fluent-plugin-elasticsearch
- fluent-plugin-record-modifier
- fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser
- fluent-plugin-concat
Here is an example configuration to use them. Note that this uses the old 'match/retag' approach; ideally you should use filter plugins like record-modifier (see fluentd.conf), but unfortunately there is no filter equivalent for ec2metadata yet.
<match syslog>
type hostname
key_name ec2_hostname
add_prefix hostname
<match hostname.syslog>
type ec2_metadata
output_tag ec2.${tag}
ec2_instance_id ${instance_id}
ec2_instance_type ${instance_type}
ec2_az ${availability_zone}
service_id my-service-uuid
env my-environment
<match ec2.hostname.**>
type retag
remove_prefix ec2.hostname
Mount the volumes where your logs are if needed and the path to the fluentd configuration file. Pass aws credentials via environment variables:
docker run --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 -p 24224 -p 24220 -p 24230 \
-v /var/log:/fluentd/log -v `pwd`:/etc/fluent \
First register a Docker Hub account and ask one of the existing member to add you into the atlassianlabs team. Then you can run the following command to release a new version:
make release tag=<the new version number>