A responsive and dynamic Netflix web app built with React, Firebase & SCSS. Live demo here.
This project is ongoing, features and placeholder items will changed or expanded on.
Login Details:
email: [email protected]
password: 123456
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Lessons Learned
- Additional Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Project Status
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- I decided to build a clone of Netflix as it gave me a UI design I could visualise and build out with my own working code.
- I used minimal libraries to get a stronger understanding of React before looking into reacts large ecosystem of libraries.
- I used firebase for its minimal setup and easy access to data and auth, allowing me to get more confident working end to end using react. This was a breif overview of firebase for me as I was only using the docs. I will be expanding on my firebase knowledge using other resources and returning to apply what i've learnt.
- This project gave me more exposure to different hooks ( useEffect, useContext, useReducer ) and custom hooks ( useFetch )
- I hit my MVP so I decided to deploy the project, I will continue to work on it as there is plenty of features I will and want to add ( media carosel, media queries ) and testing ( Jest ). I will build and learn outside the scope of this project and implement the newer features once I’ve spent time learning them.
- React - version 17.0.2
- Firebase - version 9
- React - version 17.0.2
- Axios - version 0.27.2
- Scss - version 1.49.9
- Custom hooks ( useFetch ) extracting fetch logic needed to fetch the data and passing a url variable to the useFetch hook, allowing multiple components to fetch data using the same logic.
- useEffect: Data fetching, updating the DOM and timers. Understanding the dependancy array, if the array is absent, empty or it's dependant on a variable state change.
- useContext: Creating context for authenticated users sharing the current auth users unique id from firebase auth, allowing me to share the unique id values to multiple components ( login, signout, Favorites ) aswell as using a custom useCollection hook in tandem with auth context to update, delete and read documents from the firebase collection corresponding to the users unique id.
- Getting comfortable with functional components just being functions. At the beggining of this project I lacked foresight when building out my components. An example of this would be inputs, I have multiple forms using different inputs where I could have created a reusable input component and passed props for each input type.
- Typography, planning, time management and time contsraints
- The app should resemble Netflix UI design
- The app should allow the user to login / create a profile ( email )
- The user should be able to add and remove liked movies
- The app should display the users favorite specific to the user logged in.
- Impliment testing ( Jest )
- The user can query the API by meida name or genre
- The user can edit account and avatar
- The user can select and playback a video file
- Implement a media carousel ( Currently fetching / displaying 6 movies on each row )
npm install
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Project is: In Development
Created by [email protected] - feel free to contact me!