This Go library provides a convenient interface for automating UI tasks on Windows using the UI Automation framework. It allows you to interact with and manipulate UI elements in applications through the corresponding Windows COM interfaces. The library maps Go methods to the methods defined in the COM interfaces, making it easy to work with UI Automation in a Go application.
- COM Interface Mapping: The library mirrors the structure of UI Automation COM interfaces, Corresponds to the Windows API structure
- Element Structuring: The structure of the application's UI elements can be visualized more intuitively
- Automation: Perform UI automation tasks programmatically, such as reading or manipulating the state of UI controls.
go get -u
import (
uiautomation ""
Browser Element Structure Output
func main() {
defer uiautomation.CoUninitialize()
findhwnd := uiautomation.GetWindowForString("Chrome_WidgetWin_1", "")
instance, _ := uiautomation.CreateInstance(uiautomation.CLSID_CUIAutomation, uiautomation.IID_IUIAutomation, uiautomation.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER)
unk := uiautomation.NewIUnKnown(instance)
ppv := uiautomation.NewIUIAutomation(unk)
root, _ := uiautomation.ElementFromHandle(ppv, findhwnd)
elems := uiautomation.TraverseUIElementTree(ppv, root)
uiautomation.TreeString(elems, 0)
Find Notepad editable space and enter text
var (
dll = syscall.NewLazyDLL("User32.dll")
procSendInput = dll.NewProc("SendInput")
procIsWindowEnabled = dll.NewProc("IsWindowEnabled")
procSendMessageW = dll.NewProc("SendMessageW")
const (
WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100
func main() {
defer uiautomation.CoUninitialize()
findhwnd := uiautomation.GetWindowForString("Notepad", "")
instance, _ := uiautomation.CreateInstance(uiautomation.CLSID_CUIAutomation, uiautomation.IID_IUIAutomation, uiautomation.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER)
unk := uiautomation.NewIUnKnown(instance)
ppv := uiautomation.NewIUIAutomation(unk)
root, _ := uiautomation.ElementFromHandle(ppv, findhwnd)
elems := uiautomation.TraverseUIElementTree(ppv, root)
fn := func(elem *uiautomation.Element) bool {
return elem.CurrentControlType == uiautomation.UIA_DocumentControlTypeId && elem.CurrentName == "文本编辑器"
foundElement := uiautomation.SearchElem(elems, fn)
uia_hwnd := foundElement.CurrentNativeWindowHandle
unk, _ = foundElement.UIAutoElement.GetCurrentPattern(uiautomation.UIA_ValuePatternId)
text := "Hello World!\nHello UI Automation!!!"
content, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(text)
if err != nil {
retSendText, _, _ := procSendMessageW.Call(
fmt.Printf("retSendText: %#v\n", retSendText)
Search for controls specified in the folder
func main() {
defer uiautomation.CoUninitialize()
findhwnd := uiautomation.GetWindowForString("CabinetWClass", "")
instance, _ := uiautomation.CreateInstance(uiautomation.CLSID_CUIAutomation, uiautomation.IID_IUIAutomation, uiautomation.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER|uiautomation.CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER)
unk := uiautomation.NewIUnKnown(instance)
ppv := uiautomation.NewIUIAutomation(unk)
root, _ := uiautomation.ElementFromHandle(ppv, findhwnd)
elems := uiautomation.TraverseUIElementTree(ppv, root)
fn := func(elem *uiautomation.Element) bool {
return elem.CurrentClassName == "SelectorButton"
foundElement := uiautomation.SearchElem(elems, fn)
fmt.Printf("foundElement: %v\n", foundElement)
- add the ui structure is written to the file
- more fine-tuned ui operations
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to enhance the library, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This library is distributed under the MIT License