App code for an E-Rickshaw tracker system.
Install latest version of Java
Visit here and locate the version of java which matches your need.
Install Android SDK
Follow one of the following methodology to set up your system for building android projects.
Installing manually
Install the commandline tools from here and sdkmanager from here.
Install Android Studio
Download android studio from here and unpack .zip file and execute
and complete the installation steps. Check here if you are stuck anywhere.
- Install Emulator or Have a physical Android device for testing applications
Fork the repository
Clone the repository:
git clone <forked-repo-url>
- Add upstream remote to this repository
git remote add upstream <repo-url>
- Check if gradle builds
- Connect your physical device using USB or launch AVD device using
cd $ANDROID_SDK/tools/emulator
./emulator -list-avds
./emulator -avd <AVD_NAME>
- Install Apks
* cd to respective project root folder *
./gradlew installDebug
Run App
Navigate to the phone menu and launch app for testing
Alternatively, you could also use the studio to run app.