- This is a mutual fund brokerage backend service.
- Tech stack used: AWS (Lambda Fucntions, DynamoDB, IAM, Secrets Manager, API Gateway, CloudFormation), TypeScript, Serverless Framework.
- This repository consists of 5 lambda functions:
- Register Handler: This handler code registers an user which is triggered by /register POST endpoint.
- Login Handler: This handler code is used for logging in an user which is triggered by /login POST endpoint.
- Mutual Fund Handler: This handler code selects a fund family house, fetches open-ended schemes for that family, and it is integrated with the RapidAPI to fetch mutual fund data.
- Portfolio Handler: This handler code is used to add, view and delete investments of an user.
- Update NAVS Handler: This handler code is used to track current value of the investments hourly.
Setup and Testing:
- Install Node.js (18.x or later) and npm (8.x or later) on your machine.
- Install the Serverless Framework using npm by running npm install -g serverless.
- Create an AWS account and set up your AWS credentials.
- Install the AWS CLI and configure it with your AWS credentials.
Clone the repository.
Repository Link: https://github.com/avinashpathy/mutual-fund-brokerage
Navigate to the project directory and install the dependencies by running npm install.
Run the below AWS CLI command to create your secrets (JWT Secret and RAPID API Key) in AWS Secrets Manager.
- aws secretsmanager create-secret --name dev/auth/jwt --secret-string '{"JWT_SECRET":"ADD_YOUR_SECRET"}'
- aws secretsmanager create-secret --name dev/rapidapikey --secret-string '{"RAPIDAPI_KEY":"ADD_YOUR_API_KEY"}'
Update the serverless.yml and sls.environments.yml file with your AWS region and other configuration settings as needed.
- Run serverless deploy to deploy the application to AWS.
- The deployment process may take several minutes to complete.
- Once the deployment is complete, you can verify that the application is running by checking the AWS CloudFormation console.
API Endpoints
The application exposes the following API endpoints:
- POST /register: creates a new user account.
- POST /login: logs in an existing user and returns a JSON Web Token.
- GET /mutual-funds: retrieves a list of open ended mutual fund schemes.
- GET /portfolio: retrieves a user's portfolio.
- POST /portfolio: adds a new investment to a user's portfolio.
- DELETE /portfolio: deletes an investment from a user's portfolio.
Use the below postman collection link to test the endpoints.
- Postman Collection Link: https://www.postman.com/avinashpathy/1bb8d8ed-6d99-42c4-9d67-0abe6041d559/collection/tp8a4r0/mutual-fund-brokerage
- Replace the request URLs in the above collection with your API url which you can get from API gateway once you have deployed the application to AWS.
- The request body which you have to pass for each endpoint is provided in the above collection.
- For /mutual-funds and /portfolio, you have to choose Auth Type as JWT Bearer and give the secret what you have created in AWS Secrets Manager.
Database Creation:
- Databases are created using Serverless framework.
- Here is the link to the resource creation code (Line 125-205):
Lines 125 to 205 in 5736a0e
Please feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you have any doubts.