The SPARCWave package contains utilities for sparse and structured-sparse clustering of time series using
time-freqeuncy signal representations obtained from the wavelets and scattering transforms, implementing the methods and experiments in [1]. Datasets for the experiments are also provided.
For advanced instructions, please refer to the README_ADVANCED file.
Code for running the SPARCWave and SPARCWave Group-sparse clustering methods is contained in
Here are two lines that run both methods (depending on the group
argument), and evaluate the clustering result with
the Adjusted Rand Score if ground-truth labels are given:
AllDataMatrix: Dataset, numpy matrix
nclust: Number of clusters
s: Sparsity tuning parameter
niter: Number of iterations
group: Flase for SPARCWave, True for SPARCWave Group
groups_vector: A partitioning of time-frequency indices into groups
best_sparse_kmeans_group,lgroup,w = sparse_kmeans(AllDataMatrix = AllDataMatrix, nclust = nclust, s = s,niter = niter,
group = True,groups_vector = groups_vector)
print adjusted_rand_score(labels,lgroup)
In the above, we assume a pre-defined tuning parameter s
. To select it automatically, use a permutation-based method which can be parallelized with the joblib
machine_cores_to_use: How many cores to use in parallel
perm_num: How many permutations
s_list_group: A grid of s values
machine_cores_to_use = 7
perm_num = 5
s_list_group = [1.25,1.5,2,3,4,5,5.5,6.5,7,8.5,10]
permuted_list = list()
for perm in range(perm_num):
for i in range(AllDataMatrix_temp.shape[1]):
results_group = Parallel(n_jobs = machine_cores_to_use)(delayed(get_gap_one_s_group)(i,AllDataMatrix = AllDataMatrix,permuted_list = permuted_list) for i in zip(s_list_group,[nclust]*len(s_list_group),[False]*len(s_list_group)))
s = s_list_group[np.argmax(results_group)]
best_sparse_kmeans_group,lgroup,w = sparse_kmeans(AllDataMatrix = AllDataMatrix, nclust = nclust, s = s,niter = niter,
group = True,groups_vector = groups_vector) print adjusted_rand_score(labels,lgroup)
print adjusted_rand_score(labels,lgroup)
CSV files: data_growth_T32_Q2_new_ord.csv - Berkeley Growth dataset after scattering transform
labels_growth.csv - labels for Growth dataset
phoneme_scatter_T32_Q8_New_ord.csv - Phoneme dataset after scattering transform
labels_phoneme.csv - labels for Phoneme dataset
wheat_T32_Q8_new_ord.csv - Wheat dataset after scattering transform
labels_wheat.csv - labels for Wheat dataset
Required Python libraries: CVXPY, sklearn, joblib, numpy, pylab (and dependencies).
SPARCWave was developed by Tom Hope, Avishai Wagner and Or Zuk, as part of work on the paper:
[1] "Clustering Noisy Signals with Structured Sparsity Using Time-Frequency Representation", T. Hope, A. Wagner and O. Zuk, , 2015
Please cite the above paper if using the package.
For support, any questions or comments, please contact:
Tom Hope: [email protected]
Avishai Wagner: [email protected]
Or Zuk: [email protected]