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11/29 Support for Valkey instead of Redis. Support Aurora Serverless v2, mini capacity default to 0 ACU.


This solution demostrates how to deploy community version of dify on AWS using CDK. It also provide a solution for deploying langfuse as a plugin of dify for tracing and monitoring.

It utilized AWS managed services including ALB, EKS, Aurora PostgreSQL, Opensearch, and S3. All the services deployed using Graviton processors to take maximum advantage of AWS cost optimization.

The default configuration is only for test purpose, please update the corresponding values in cdk.json for production use.

Also, please consider to purchase dify enterprise version for production use in AWS marketplace.

Deployment Architecture

Install from CDK

0.Prepare the CDK enviroment

sudo dnf install nodejs git -y
sudo npm install -g aws-cdk 
sudo npm install -g typescript ts-node

Configure AWS CLI

aws configure

Download cdk code

git clone
cd solution-for-deploying-dify-on-aws/dify-cdk/
npm install

1.Deploy dify and langfuse

Configure cdk.json for dify, gnerate your own "difySecretKey" using "openssl rand -base64 42"

    "dbPassword": "Your.dbPassword.0910",
    "opensearchPassword": "Your.aosPassword.0910",
    "S3AccessKey": "Your.S3.AccessKey",
    "S3SecretKey": "Your.S3.SecretKey",

[Optional] Configure cdk.json for langfuse, gnerate your own "nextAuthSecret" and "salt" using "openssl rand -base64 32"

    "nextAuthSecret":"openssl rand -base64 32",
    "salt":"openssl rand -base64 32",

2.Configure cdk environment, only need to run once

cdk synth
cdk bootstrap

3.Deploy CDK

cdk deploy --all --concurrency 5 --require-approval never

Please use concurrency deployment, the whole deployment process takes about 20 minutes, if not using concurrency, it will take extra time.

4.Configure helm environment variables Edit dify-helm-stack.ts in lib directory If you don't have your own domain, please configure the two host variables in the file to be the DNS name of the ALB created by CDK, such as:

    const difyHelm = new eks.HelmChart(this, 'DifyHelmChart', {
      cluster: props.cluster,
      chart: 'dify',
      repository: '',
      release: 'dify',
      namespace: 'default',
      values: {
        global: {
          //Specify your host on ALB DNS name
          host: '',
        ingress: {
          enabled: true,
          className: 'alb',
          annotations: {
            '': 'alb',
            '': 'internet-facing',
            '': 'ip',
            '': '[{"HTTP": 80}]',
            //'': '[{"HTTPS": 443}]',
            //'': 'arn:aws:acm:ap-southeast-1:788668107894:certificate/6404aaf8-6051-4637-8d93-d948932b18b6',
          hosts: [{
            host: '',

If you have your own domain, please configure your domain, and open tls, and configure your certificate ARN to ''.

Other environment variables injection, please refer to

Deploy CDK again to enable enviroment variables

cdk deploy --all --concurrency 5 --require-approval never

5.dify database initialization Configure "access entry" in EKS console for your user/role with policy "AmazonEKSAdminPolicy" and "AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy".

Please find a terminal that can connect to EKS, and run below:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --region $region --name dify-eks

Initial dify database with database migration scripts

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -n dify -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n dify -- flask db upgrade

After execution, you can access dify using http://ALBDNSName, and register as an administrator.

About upgrade: dify community version is very active, please update the tag variable in dify-helm-stack.ts for upgrade. And then run cdk deploy and database initialization again.

        global: {
          host: '',
          port: '',
          enableTLS: false,
          image: { tag: '0.12.1' },
          edition: 'SELF_HOSTED',
          storageType: 's3',
          extraEnvs: [],
          extraBackendEnvs: [

After upgrade, please run step5 again for database initialization.

Finally Happy dify with AWS