This was a part of a prototype used in an internal "onboarding" program (PoC/demo session), and later used as source code for a set of blog posts.
This repo is related to the (Angular 10) User Interface module (SPA Front-End), focused on AWS Amplify service.
Created by Marcelo França.
Mentoring by Juliano Baeta.
git clone
npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli
npm install
amplify init
amplify add hosting
amplify import auth
amplify publish
Then, copy the info from src\aws.exports.js
to src\environments\aws-exports.js
and src\environments\
And edit src\environments\environment.ts
and src\environments\
changing apiUrl
Finally, look out for Hosting endpoint: https://<something>
as an output from Amplify CLI...
Or ng serve -o
- AWS Organizations
- Managing SSO in AWS Accounts
- Configuring AWS CLI for Single Sign-On
- Named Profiles
- AWS Amplify
File #1 located at ~/.aws/credentials (Linux & Mac) or\credentials (Windows)
Example (named profiles with session tokens for SSO):
Note that each profile can specify different credentials — perhaps from different IAM users — and can also specify different AWS Regions and output formats.
Considering you've run aws configure sso
File #2 located at ~/.aws/config (Linux & Mac) or\config (Windows)
Example (named profiles with SSO information such as AWS Account Id, Role and Region):
region = us-east-2
output = json
[profile tenant1]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = us-east-2
sso_account_id = <Account Id1>
sso_role_name = <Role Name>
region = us-east-2
output = json
[profile tenant2]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = us-east-2
sso_account_id = <Account Id2>
sso_role_name = <Role Name>
region = us-east-2
output = json
Note the pattern "[profile profile-name], where 'profile-name' relates to the previous file (#1)!
Considering you've run git clone
[aws sso login --profile tenant1 | tenant2]
[edit credentials, copy & paste]
[npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli]
[amplify configure --usage-data-off]
[del src\amplify]
[del src\aws-exports.js]
amplify init | amplify pull
amplify add hosting
amplify publish
[take a note of the Hosting endpoint: e.g. https://<domain>]
You will need the API Gateway's ApiEndpoint, e.g. https://<domain>
You will also need Cognito's UserPoolClientId, UserPoolId and UserPoolDomain.
[aws sso login --profile tenant1 | tenant2]
[edit credentials, copy & paste]
amplify import auth
amplify publish
Do not forget to publish
again, in order to update the file aws-exports.js with Cognito's information.
And remember to move/edit to folder src\environments...
According to code (configurations/production/fileReplacements) in file angular.json...
- Enter a name for the project: appAWSomeBlog
- Build Command: ng build --prod
- Do you plan on modifying this backend? Yes
- Do you want to use an AWS profile? Yes
- Please choose the profile you want to use (Use arrow keys): tenant1 | tenant2
- Amazon CloudFront and S3
- PROD (S3 with CloudFront using HTTPS)
- hosting bucket name: awsomeblog-<tenant1|tenant2>-hostingbucket
- Cognito User Pool only
Run ng build
to build the project.
The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
Use the --prod
flag for a production build.
- [Update Back-End (SAM template) with the CloudFront domain - and redeploy;]
- Update the environment's files (aws-exports.js and in src\environments - and redeploy (see below);
[aws sso login --profile tenant1 | tenant2]
[edit credentials, copy & paste]
amplify publish -c
Note the '-c' to invalidate the distribution's cache.
ng serve -o
amplify delete
Note that you may need to manually delete the S3 bucket files and the bucket itself.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.
Marcelo França -