CfnCluster 1.4.1
We are happy to announce the availability of CfnCluster 1.4.1.
How to update?
sudo pip install —upgrade cfncluster
Highlighted Changes:
- Removed need for whitelisting instance types; any instance type which supports both VPC and HVM amis will be supported out of the box with CfnCluster
- Updated to cfncluster-cookbook-1.4.0
- Update all base AMIs to latest patch levels (including Amazon Linux 17.09)
- Support for NVMe instance store
- Fixed long scaling times when using SLURM on systemd distributions (Ubuntu 16.04).
- "cfncluster stop" now terminates all compute nodes but does not stop the head node, to work around scheduler data mismatch issues.
Need help / have a feature request?
CfnCluster Issues tracker on GitHub:
The HPC Forum on the AWS Forums page: