Release v2.11.178 - 2018-11-27
3578 commits
to version-3
since this release
Tag release v2.11.178
Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Feature - Aws::Greengrass - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Greengrass.
Feature - Aws::IoT - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT.
Feature - Aws::IoTAnalytics - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT Analytics.
Feature - Aws::KMS - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Key Management Service.
Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Feature - Aws::SMS - Updated the API, documentation, and integration test for AWS Server Migration Service.
Feature - Aws::GlobalAccelerator - Added support for a new service, AWS Global Accelerator.