Release v2.11.545 - 2020-07-09
Tag release v2.11.545
Feature - Aws::AlexaForBusiness - Updated the API, and documentation for Alexa For Business.
Feature - Aws::Amplify - Updated the documentation for AWS Amplify.
Feature - Aws::AppMesh - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS App Mesh.
Feature - Aws::CloudHSMV2 - Updated the documentation for AWS CloudHSM V2.
Feature - Aws::Comprehend - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Comprehend.
Feature - Aws::EBS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Block Store.
Feature - Aws::EventBridge - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EventBridge.
Feature - Aws::CloudWatchEvents - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Feature - Aws::SageMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon SageMaker Service.
Feature - Aws::SecretsManager - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Secrets Manager.
Feature - Aws::SNS - Updated the documentation for Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Feature - Aws::WAFV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS WAFV2.