This repository has been archived by the owner on May 27, 2020. It is now read-only.
Bug Fixes
- auto-import in new cache layout (7726fde)
- fix invalid regexp for Windows (d37c846)
- fix invalid regexp for Windows (a96e93a)
- fix windows url path handle (b50548e)
- get file hash without query (d81850f)
- module not follow redirect (dc97014)
- path resolution of Windows (a9e3336)
- Possible errors caused by optional parameters (f91085c)
- deps: update dependency vscode-languageserver-textdocument to v1.0.1 (#66) (c49b0fa)
- adapt Deno new cache layout (1cba5df)
- add import map file jso validator (2ccfa02)
- Add memory cache module (c6cd7e8)
- add new Deno's cache layout parser and test (7308978)
- auto detect ./vscode/settings.json in typescript plugin #60 (95d73c6)
- make manifest be a iterator. (8c7b7ce)
- Requires minimum version of Deno 0.35.0 (35b810c)
- Resurrected in Deno v0.35.0 🚀 (3aff7ed)
- set the language of the document automatically (8839799)
- support @deno-types hint definition. #68 (758c5be)
- support format range code (498d37f)
- support Import-Maps in new cache layout. (0c4cccd)