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263 lines (212 loc) · 11.5 KB

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263 lines (212 loc) · 11.5 KB


Build for Fedora 19 all gitlab gems with its fixed dependencies?, skipping tests where difficult to run and put them in a public repo.

Crappy stoppers

  • Gems gitlab < fedora (hard, will have to test if work)

  • Gems gitlab > fedora (easy if gitlab == upstream then ask maintainer to update, hard if gitlab < upstream then ask? maintainer to update)


  1. Check in table what's missing, build next gem in line.
  2. First run rpmbuild, check what fails, keep track what gets built, then build in mock.
  3. Copy mockbuilds in ~/repo/gitlab/fedora-19/
  4. Make f19 git branch in ~/git/fedora/packages/
  5. mkdir gemname in ~/git/fedora/packages, copy SPECs and commit with below messages.

###Track what gets built:

act-as-taggable         : 2.4.1 ok, test need download, no test run
backports               : 3.3.3 (gitlab 3.3.2 test and request upstream update), no test run, where to put dirs
carrierwave             : 0.9 (gitlab 0.8), license/test need download,
celluloid               : 0.14.1  ok, license need download, spec/ does not include all needed files
chosen-rails            : 1.0.0 (gitlab 0.9.8, 2 years ago) latest version needs extra dep (compass-rails)
(compass-rails)         : required by chosen-rails-1.0.0, no test run
connection_pool         : 1.1.0  ok, test fail
d3_rails                : 3.2.8 (gitlab 3.1.10), no test included, app dir should be considered as vendor/?
descendants_tracker     : 0.0.1  ok, test fail
devise                  : 3.0.1 (gitlab 2.2.5), needs warden 1.2.3 (f19 1.2.1), needs thread_safe
(thread_safe)           : required by devise-3.0.1, test fail (see below)
devise 2.2.5            : 2.2.5 ok, tests need multi_json-1.7.2
enumerize               : 0.6.1 ok, test fail
escape_utils            : 0.3.2 (gitlab 0.2.4), test pass, ready for BZ
faraday                 : 0.8.8 (gitlab 0.8.7 test and request gitlab update), test pass
faraday_middleware      : 0.9.0  ok,
font-awesome-rails      : ok, test fail
foreman                 : 0.63.0 ok, license need download, test fail need unpackaged gems
gemoji                  : 1.4.0 (gitlab 1.2.1 test and request gitlab update), license need download and clarification in spec
github-linguist         : 2.9.4 (gitlab 2.3.4), no test/license is shipped
github-markdown         : 0.5.3 ok, no license is shipped, test fail
github-markup           : 0.7.5 ok, test fail
gon                     : 4.1.1 ok, license not present as a file, test fail due to unpackaged gems (rabl, rabl-rails, jbuilder)
grape                   : 0.5.0 (gitlab 0.4.1), test need unpackaged gems (see Gemfile), 0.4.x and 0.5.x have the same deps
virtus                  : 0.5.5 ok, required by grape, test pass (1 pending)
grape-entity            : 0.3.0 ok, test fail
hipchat                 : 0.11.0 (gitlab 0.9.0), test fail
http_parser.rb          : 0.5.3 ok, test pass (need to export LANG utf8), ready for BZ
httpauth                : 0.2.0 ok, doesn't ship test
jquery-atwho-rails      : 0.3.1 (gitlab 0.3.0 test and request update), test fail (missing generator_rspec), license missing
jquery-turbolinks       : 1.0.0 ok, test in coffeescript did not check
jquery-ui-rails         : 2.0.2 (upstream 4.0.4), doesn't ship test
jwt                     : 0.1.8 ok, license not included,
kaminari                : 0.14.1 ok, test fail due to deps (resolve later)
modernizr               : 2.6.2 ok, missing license file (report upstream), to tests available, ready for BZ
mysql2                  : 0.3.13 (gitlab 0.3.11 test and request update)
oauth2                  : 0.8.1 (upstream 0.9.2), required by omniauth-oauth2, test fail
omniauth                : 1.1.4 ok, submitted to BZ , required by omniauth-oauth2
omniauth-github         : 1.1.0 ok, missing license file,
omniauth-google-oauth2  : 0.2.0 (gitlab 0.1.19), missing license/url (report upstream), test fail
omniauth-oauth          : 1.0.1 ok, test fail
omniauth-oauth2         : 1.1.1 ok, missing license file (report upstream), 1.1.1 needs oauth2 < 0.9
omniauth-twitter        : 1.0.0 (gitlab 0.0.17), missing license file (report upstream), test fail
orm_adapter             : 0.4.0 ok, submitted to BZ
posix-spawn             : 0.3.6 ok, test fail
puma                    : 2.4.0 (gitlab 2.3.1), test fail
pygments.rb             : 0.5.2 (gitlab 0.4.2), requires posix-spawn, yajl-ruby, todo: remove .py[oc], exclude autorequires /usr/bin/env, test pass
pyu-ruby-sasl           : ok, license not included (report upstream), test fail due to missing gem (spec)
redis                   : 3.0.4 ok, submitted in BZ
redis-actionpack        : 3.2.3 ok, required by redis-rails, omit test
redis-activesupport     : 3.2.3 ok, required by redis-rails, omit test
redis-namespace         : 1.3.0 ok, test fail, maybe do same trick with redis
redis-rack              : 1.4.2 ok, required by redis-actionpack, test fail
redis-rails             : 3.2.3 ok, omit test
redis-store             : 1.1.3 ok, required by redis-{rails,actionpack,rack,activesupport}, test fail
yajl-ruby               : 1.1.0 ok, test pass, ready to BZ
rubyntlm                : 0.3.3 (gitlab 0.1.1), missing license (, test fail
seed-fu                 : 2.2.0 ok, test not included (request upstream)
select2-rails           : 3.4.7 (gitlab 3.4.2 test and request update), missing license file (report upstream),
settingslogic           : 2.0.9 ok, test pass, ready for submission to BZ
sidekiq                 : 2.13.0 (gitlab 2.12.4 test and request update), some test fail
simple_oauth            : 0.2.0 (gitlab 0.1.9 test and request update), some test fail
six                     : 0.2.0 ok, doesn't ship with license/tests
stamp                   : 0.5.0 ok, test pass, ready for sumbission in BZ
stringex                : 2.0.8 (gitlab 1.5.1), test fail
tinder                  : 1.9.2 ok, test fail
twitter-stream          : 0.1.16 ok, test pass, ready for sumbission in BZ
underscore-rails        : 1.5.1 (gitlab 1.4.4), license file not included (
unicorn                 : 4.6.3 ok, some tests fail

libv8                   : (gitlab, missing license file (report upstream),

raphael-rails           : 2.1.1 (gitlab git v2.1.0)

gitlab-grit             : 2.6.0, test not included
gitlab-gollum-lib       : 1.0.1, test not included
gitlab-grack            : 1.0.1, license not included, some tests fail, gemspec has the old name (request change)
gitlab-pygments.rb      : 0.3.2, license not included, in fail test, gemspec has the old name (request change)
gitlab_git              : 2.1.0, license not included, test not included (PR for gemspec: add LICENSE, spec/, support/ to files, change page url)
gitlab_omniauth-ldap    : 1.0.3, license missing, test pass

Macros for Fedora spec

%doc %{gem_instdir}/LICENSE
%exclude %{gem_instdir}/.*

%doc %{gem_instdir}/
%doc %{gem_instdir}/

pushd .%{gem_instdir}
testrb -Ilib test/
rspec spec/

BuildRequires: rubygem(test-unit)
BuildRequires: rubygem(rspec)
BuildRequires: rubygem(minitest)
BuildRequires: rubygem(mocha)

Gem packaging on GitLab forks

All other forks depend on this. Upstream is idle for too long with many PRs and bugs not addressed. Seems their main concern is now rugged, a replacement of grit. That is the main reason GitLab went on a fork (the plan is to switch from grit to rugged once the latter gets all the needed functionality, likely won't happen in another year or so). See upstream grit sparse commits and sumbitted issues.

Upstream is v1.0.6, gitlab uses upstream's v1.0.0 and have released a 1.0.1 version with changes:

  1. s/grit/gitlab-grit in gemspec deps
  2. rename gem name to gitlab-gollum-lib

Compare: with

Upstream was idle for some time (2 commits in 2011, 4 in 2012) and it seems GitLab picked it off the 2010 codebase and went on to release a 1.0.1 version two months ago. It seems that now there has been added another person to the upstream grack team and been pushing some code recently. As ar as I know gitlab hasn't approached upstream for their changes.

As already discussed, there is a pending PR to be merged upstream and finally drop the fork.

Wrapper around gitlab-grit. Not a fork but depends on gitlab-grit.

4 significant changes from upstream:

  1. GitLab fork is missing the commits upstream made on 27 Sep 2012 [0]
  2. GitLab fork update net-ldap to fix LDAP authentication issues
  3. GitLab fork fix ldap blank password
  4. GitLab fork fix some failing tests

[0] Compare: with


Doesn't need to be packaged, it only counts the number it gets downloaded from

Package gitlab itself

We need 4 directories: gitlab, gitlab-shell, gitlab-satellites, repositories.

|-- /usr/share/gitlab
|     |-- gitlab
|     |-- gitlab-shell

|-- /var/lib/gitlab
|     |-- satellites
|     |-- repositories
|     |-- .ssh/authorized_keys



├── bin
│   ├── check
│   ├── gitlab-keys
│   ├── gitlab-projects
│   ├── gitlab-shell
│   └── install
├── config.yml
├── config.yml.example
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── gitlab-shell.log
├── Guardfile
├── hooks
│   └── update
├── lib
│   ├── gitlab_config.rb
│   ├── gitlab_init.rb
│   ├── gitlab_keys.rb
│   ├── gitlab_logger.rb
│   ├── gitlab_net.rb
│   ├── gitlab_projects.rb
│   ├── gitlab_shell.rb
│   └── gitlab_update.rb
├── spec
│   ├── gitlab_keys_spec.rb
│   ├── gitlab_net_spec.rb
│   ├── gitlab_projects_spec.rb
│   ├── gitlab_shell_spec.rb
│   ├── spec_helper.rb
│   └── vcr_cassettes
│       ├── allowed-pull.yml
│       ├── allowed-push.yml
│       ├── check-ok.yml
│       ├── denied-pull.yml
│       ├── denied-push.yml
│       ├── dev_gitlab_org.yml
│       └── discover-ok.yml
├── support
│   ├──
│   └──