- Latest version: http://www.axpokl.com/midiplayer3.zip
- Latest version(with video record): http://www.axpokl.com/midiplayer3_video.zip
- Source code: https://github.com/axpokl/midiplayer3-for-BLACK-MIDI
- Drag and drop files into the window to play
- Command line: midiplayer.exe filename.mid
- Support MIDI(.mid) and RMID(.rmi) file
- MLeft Seek/Keyboard
- MRight Pause
- MWheel Volume
- Space Pause
- Left/Right Seek midipos 0
- Up/Down Volumn voli 100%(14) 0%-200%(1-16)
- +/- Speed spd1 100% 0%-1600%
- [/] Chord kchord0
- ;/' Pitch kkey0 128 0-256
- PgUp/PgDn Prev/Next
- Home/End First/Last
- F Reload MIDI File fnames
- H Reset MIDI Device
- S Switch MIDI Device midiouti 0
- Ctrl + S Switch Long Msg/Stream msgbufb1 1 0=Stream,1=Long
- Shift + S Combine Same Notes msgbufb0 1 0=No,1=Yes
- D Draw All Notes
- A Draw All Notes Auto autofresh 1 0=Manual,1=Auto
- ,/. Set Note Length mult 100% 0%-1000%
- C Set Note Color kbdcb 0 0=Chord,1=Track(Black Key),2=Track
- T Set Note Text kchb 0 0=Number,1=Letter,2=Blank
- I Set Information Text kchb2 0 0=All,1=No Track,2=No Msg,3=Note,4=None
- L Set Messure/Chord Line kmessure 0 0=Minor,1=All,2=Major,3=Chord,4=None
- M Set Loop Mode loop 1 0=None,1=Single,2=All
- F2 Switch Memory or File fbi 0 0-1
- F3/F4 Set Short Event Buffer msgbufn0 7(128) 0-24(1-16777216)
- F5/F6 Set Min Event Volume msgvol0 3 0-127
- F7/F8 Set Max Key Buffer maxkbdc 6(64) 0-16(1-65536)
- F11/F12 Set Max Frame Rate framerate 120 1-480
- R Reset All Setting
- V Record Video vname/vrate/vquality
- F1 Help helpb 0 0=On,1=Off
- F9 Menu menub
- There are 3 ways to start midiplayer3 with configuration with priority of below order:
- Add a parameter after the command line with the format of:
-<key> <value>
midiplayer3.exe filename.mid -spd1 200
- Add a line under the file
with the format of:<key>=<value>
- Add a registry under with a type of
REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\ax_midi_player /v spd1 /t REG_DWORD /d 200 /f
- midiplayer3 needs to load MIDI file information in to memory before playing
- If the memory is not enough in the system, we can force it to save the information in file
- midiplayer3 creates 3 temporary files in %temp% folder to store the information
- You can switch between memory and file by pressing F2, or add a key called fbi
- It is recommended to use VirtualMIDISynth or OmniMIDI as MIDI output device
- The Synthesizer need to supports midiOutLongMsg Windows API function for long MIDI event as MIDI output
- The Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth or other MIDI output device may not support long MIDI event
- If your output device does not support long MIDI event, please increase the short MIDI event buffer by pressing F3
- You can also reduce the short MIDI event buffer to have better MIDI output performance by pressing F4
- You can change the Track/Channel color by add a key called chancolor
- It is a string value, consisting of numbers and separated by commas:
- Each number represent a color which has a Hue value from 0-255. E.g. 0=Red, 85=Green and 170=Blue
- The Track/Channel will sort by it's note count, then use the color in order
- The color will repeat if there is less color in the file defined than Track/Channel number
- You must use the video version of midiplayer3.exe with all the necessary DLL files to record video
- You can record video by pressing V, midiplayer3 will reset all notes before record
- midiplayer3 support mkv format
- You can change the output video name, framerate and quality by add keys:
- 最新版本: http://www.axpokl.com/midiplayer3.zip
- 最新版本(含视频录制): http://www.axpokl.com/midiplayer3_video.zip
- 源代码: https://github.com/axpokl/midiplayer3-for-BLACK-MIDI
- 将文件拖放到窗口中播放
- 命令行:midiplayer.exe 文件名.mid
- 支持 MIDI(.mid) 和 RMID(.rmi) 文件
- 鼠标左键 定位/钢琴键盘
- 鼠标右键 暂停
- 鼠标滑轮 音量
- 空格 暂停
- 左/右 定位 midipos 0
- 上/下 音量 voli 100%(14) 0%-200%(1-16)
- +/- 速度 spd1 100% 0%-1600%
- [/] 和弦 kchord0
- ;/' 音调 kkey0 128 0-256
- PgUp/PgDn 上一个/下一个
- Home/End 第一个/最后一个
- F 重新加载 MIDI 文件 fnames
- H 重置 MIDI 设备
- S 切换 MIDI 设备 midiouti 0
- Ctrl + S 切换长消息/流 msgbufb1 1 0=流,1=长消息
- Shift + S 合并相同的注释 msgbufb0 1 0=否,1=是
- D 画出所有音符
- A 自动画出所有音符 autofresh 1 0=关,1=开
- ,/. 设置音符长度 mult 100% 0%-1000%
- C 设置音符颜色 kbdcb 0 0=和弦,1=音轨(黑键),2=音轨
- T 设置注释文本 kchb 0 0=数字,1=字母,2=空白
- I 设置信息文本 kchb2 0 0=全部,1=无音轨,2=无消息,3=音符,4=无
- L 设置小结/调式线 kmessure 0 0=次要,1=全部,2=主要,3=和弦,4=无
- M 设置循环模式 loop 1 0=不循环,1=单曲循环,2=全部循环
- F2 切换内存或文件 fbi 0 0-1
- F3/F4 设置短事件缓冲区 msgbufn0 7(128) 0-24(1-16777216)
- F5/F6 设置最小事件音量 msgvol0 3 0-127
- F7/F8 设置最大琴键缓冲区 maxkbdc 6(64) 0-16(1-65536)
- F11/F12 设置最大帧率帧率 framerate 120 1-480
- R 重置所有设置
- V 录制视频 vname/vrate/vquality
- F1 帮助 helpb 0 0=开,1=关
- F9 菜单 menub
- 有 3 种方法来启动 midiplayer3,配置优先级如下:
- 在命令行后添加参数,格式为:
-<key> <value>
midiplayer3.exe filename.mid -spd1 200
- 在
- 在类型为
REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\ax_midi_player /v spd1 /t REG_DWORD /d 200 /f
- midiplayer3 播放前需要将 MIDI 文件信息加载到内存中
- 如果系统内存不够,我们可以强制将信息保存在文件中。
- midiplayer3 在 %temp% 文件夹中创建 3 个临时文件来存储信息
- 可以按F2在内存和文件之间切换,或者添加一个叫fbi的键
- 推荐使用 VirtualMIDISynth 或 OmniMIDI 作为 MIDI 输出设备
- 合成器需要支持 midiOutLongMsg Windows API 函数,用于将长 MIDI 事件作为 MIDI 输出
- Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth 或其他 MIDI 输出设备可能不支持长 MIDI 事件
- 如果您的输出设备不支持长 MIDI 事件,请按 F3 增加短 MIDI 事件缓冲区
- 您还可以通过按 F4 减少短 MIDI 事件缓冲区以获得更好的 MIDI 输出性能
- 您可以通过添加一个名为 chancolor 的键来更改音轨/声道颜色
- 它是一个字符串值,由数字组成并以逗号分隔:
- 每个数字代表一种颜色,其色调值介于 0-255 之间。 例如。 0=红色,85=绿色,170=蓝色
- 音轨/声道将按其音符数排序,然后按顺序使用颜色
- 如果文件中定义的颜色少于音轨/声道编号,颜色将重复
- 您必须使用 midiplayer3.exe 的视频版本以及所有必要的 DLL 文件来录制视频
- 可以按V录制视频,midiplayer3会在录制前重置所有音符
- midiplayer3 支持 mkv 格式
- 您可以通过添加以下键来更改输出视频名称、帧速率和质量: