You can use Eta to build a distribution based on Arch Linux. The main goals are
- Support for custom packages. The sources are made available as a git submodule and the build is incremental. Thus it makes code development convenient.
- Support for fully atomic and safe upgrades. This is made possible by OSTree. Note that support for traditional package management is currently not a goal.
The build scripts works on a well known repository layout.
- source/ directory. It contains git submodules with the sources of each custom package.
- build/ directory. Each subdirectory is a standard Arch Linux package, containing a PKGBUILD file, following the VCS guidelines.
- conf/pacman.conf. The pacman configuration used to compose the distribution.
- conf/eta.conf. The Eta configuration, currently supporting the following
- OSNAME. The name of the OS, required by OSTree.
- MODULES. A list of custom modules.
- PKGS. A list of official Arch Linux packages.
- ORIGIN_URL. The URL of OSTree repository.
For an example, see the Agora repository.
You need to run the commands inside the git repository. First build the custom packages
sudo eta-build
Compose the system root and commit it to the OSTree repository
sudo eta-commit
Build a raw image of the system, suitable to copy on a USB drive
sudo eta-pack